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03/27/13 9:44 AM

#62983 RE: HemiHead #62947

Maybe, maybe not.

I try to read most of your posts, because you provide a valid perspective and stick on credible information to make your points. Your suggestion to call Wally at DRMS is excellent advice. Also read the 10-Q, everyone should be fully informed about the risks.

I wouldn't be posting here if I believed it was a scam or a lost cause. I would just sell and move on, because there would be no benefit in continuing in discussions here. You, on the other hand, have a purpose in hanging in the discussions, you benefit when investors are discouraged. Maybe that is it.

You also tell people to 'Wake Up' and consider whether or not they are being scammed based on the players who are providing investment advice. You and buddies are pretty bold about calling people pumpers, liars, and worse when people say this investment has some hope. I respect you though because you've come clean about how you expect to benefit. You are part of an organized effort engaging in massive short sells of CGFI. The only way you make money is if the PPS dives lower and lower. So it is pretty fair to say your posts and the posts of your like minded ilk, all of them, are meant to discourage investment and intimidate investors by constantly casting doubt and aspersions on anyone and everyone who is either hopeful or directly involved in the company's business. As far as I can see that is all founded on innuendo and rumor, and out and out lies over on the liars club blog.

So the suggestion to 'Wake Up' also includes remembering why you are here and what it is you are trying to accomplish. I haven't forgotten why you are here, but that doesn't mean you don't contribute useful information along with some less savory commentary. I am here because I am hoping the company finally gets things off the ground with this permit process. I hope lots of other people invest too because that is how I will see the value of my shares increase. Confidence is extremely low right now and that is reflected in the PPS. That could take a 180 degree turn however with a single press release or report stating financing is adequate for the permit process.

I am invested and hope the company succeeds, you are shorting the stock and hope it fails. "Maybe that's it." It is as simple as that. There is nothing wrong with that, in spite of what the crazy goof over on your blog says. Everyone should 'wake up' and keep in mind why you guys are posting at all. It is not the public service announcements claimed after all.