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03/27/13 10:12 AM

#62985 RE: flicker #62983

Nice post flicker. However, I would point out that the problem with our pps is not just a lack of confidence but a shortage of enough investors to soak up all of the new shares hitting the market. We've been averaging multiple days each week with volumes over 5 million shares. It's just human nature that if, for example, I've bought all the shares I want at $.005, the share price has to drop significantly to lure me into buying some more. There's no time for the price to recover before more shares hit the market. You'll notice that whenever we have a lull in volume the price goes up.

This isn't Guyer's fault. He's just focused on raising money to open the mill. You could argue that he needs to hire an IR guy but that would also require paying that person. He has to juggle his funding priorities. Not an easy job right now.
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03/27/13 10:22 AM

#62986 RE: flicker #62983

That was a lucid, well thought out

response. I respect that.

BUT,(ever notice how the most important part of any statement always comes after the word'but'),
your analysis is not accurate.
If I was trying to drive the pps down, I wouldnt tell you what I do and how I make some of my living. That would make no sense.
Inherently, what goes on in this room means nothing to CGFI company or the price of shares. I have no need for members money. The Market is a huge entity. Worldwide. When I say what I say it is only to enlighten the few I hope have enuff sense to lick their wounds and move on.

This company has the worst track record I've ever seen. There may be worse, but I've yet to see it.
They latched onto a defunct Mill in 2008. Since then and today it's been used as a Carrot to drain invester dollars. Millions of invester dollars have simply vanished over the last 9 years. Of course its always accounted for in 10q/k's. But never any added value to the company.

Always try to remember that the price of stock only reflects Company value. This company has no value and it will always reflect in the price. No matter how many Reverse Splits they do. It's an insult to the word'management' to use it when referring to this company.

This is a NINE year old company thats never earned a living. Anyone telling you they need to raise money is telling you the truth. But the Company will never see it.
And neither will you.

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03/27/13 10:38 AM

#62987 RE: flicker #62983

Good Post, I agree. I think the lack of information, the low prices and the long wait has taken a toll on the Board. We seldom see an post except negative one telling us to Wake Up! and how stupid we are. I would like everyone to stop cheer up, be positive and hang in there, we will know very soon if we are going to fail or if we are going to be extreamly successful. We know how bad it can be but we don't know how good it can be, I am glad to be part of this team and wish everyone good luck.