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03/25/13 5:52 AM

#56007 RE: sizzleweed #55999

That is such BS -- The IND hasnt even been cleared and yet we somehow have gotten orphan drug status?

come on dude! seriously.

When has orphan drug status EVER been given before the IND has officially been approved?

If you read up at the FDA -- after IND approval to start clinical trials - a company can then apply for orphan drug status -- ODS designation takes about 60-90 days after application is received.


That johnny stuff is making this stock look like a P&D -- it does nothing but create high expectations which have yet to be met -- people read that junk, expect it, then get angry and panic sell when it doesnt happen.

That stuff is an albatross on our collective necks. and remember, you heard it here first!
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03/26/13 8:39 AM

#56819 RE: sizzleweed #55999

Please! You are so wrong!!