Believe, if you will, that I enter ALL expenses into Quicken. I don't need an education on fees charged. What I do NOT understand, however, in what you wrote above is why "they tell you to push credit and not debit" if they are losing money on credit transactions for which they (the business - yeah, I got that) are being charged.
I do not believe for a moment that Cyber-thingy will ever make any money not related to the sale of stock. But let's accept that as a possibility for a moment, in which case, I do not believe that cyber-thingies will be moving money around internationally without charging SOMEBODY, and the only SOMEBODY that makes sense is the consumer.
This will not be done without a fee.
BTW, the only time a business has expressed a preference of debit over credit to me was when I tried to put a new car on my Discover card. :-)