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03/19/13 10:39 AM

#39632 RE: Amanita #39631

Right on all counts, I was jesting, they paid off a slew of creditors with shares, until they ran slap outa shares, voted in a passel more using JB shares he no longer owned, went Chap 11 as long planned, and yes, they make whatever living they are making by lying through their very teeth.

The truth and nothing but the truth is a foreign concept to them... The CDEX management and INONITs. And TOUTs.

So now they are debt free and lying like a rug about the Imaginary capabilities of their "products" while they gleefully divide up the spoils they got outa the BK. And hoping that the current lies will result in new suckers to buy PP shares.

SUCH A NICE BUNCHA PEEPLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HEY, YALL don't forget to AVERAGE DOWN!!!!!!!!
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03/19/13 11:32 AM

#39634 RE: Amanita #39631

Exactly right Amanta ...

The insiders planned it way before ... Evidence proves this ...

The insiders are heavily advantaged from ever reorganization. That's way they keep doing it. And then keep blaming the past CEO (not the Billion Dollar Tech) for past failures.

"Just average down ..." LOL !!



"Surely you jest!

Lying is these peoples forte. Like being forced into the bankruptcy, yet court records show they hired the BK lawyer(prior to the default of notes), had Terrell up chuck the retainer and had already drawn up a plan that would have them in and out in a month.

The plan didn't include the ex-engineers objections or the Gemini interest.

The uplift in shares was the key to the plan.

The buy out crew would offer the note holders the new shares in exchange for their notes(all the notes were written like a time bomb to all go off on the same day, the planned crisis of notes written to satisfy deferred wages of ex employees). Once all note holders had the shares , the crew would drop the BK and in effect eliminate the one debt, the one note that they could not buy out, the Gemini note. They then reorganize with new shares on a 10 for 1 , give the big cheese's a controlling number of shares and voila, debt free and not owned by Gemini.
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03/19/13 7:33 PM

#39635 RE: Amanita #39631

It's nice to hear confirmation about something we already knew!


And who were the on-line mouthpieces trying to blame it all on the note holders, yes pennstreet and capnmike.

These perps think they're clever, but it was obvious from day one.

One just needs to ask, "Who will benefit from the BK with shareholders losing over 90% of their positions while CDEx recharges their treasury shares?"

The insiders and their "lying in wait, loan to own" conspirators.

Scamsters that have no problem lying right in your face.

Beyond disguisting.
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03/21/13 8:02 PM

#39641 RE: Amanita #39631


Speaking of lying, how exactly did ryles get to participate in the arbitration?

What a stupid plan, if that is what Cdex did. I mean really stupid.

You dang right the Attorney was confronted before the default of the notes. That is a NO brainer, if the CEO is qualified to run the company. Who in their right mind just sits on their butt and does not anticipate the unpredictable? There were problems with 3 people before the attorney was spoken too!

lol, and how is it, that was NOT already known, lol.

The uplift in shares is a joke. Why you ask, simple, if the funders were out just for themselves, they would have just let the company go chapter 7.

There was no money in the Cdex account to mention. The bankruptcy would have left every one with nothing. No money no shares, not nada.

The funders could have then came in and paid a lot less than they funded, and bought the defunct Cdex.

They could have taken the company public or private, gave themselves millions of shares for a much much smaller investment.

I would have went to Gemini and definitely kept them in the mix. I believe that company has a few very sharp business men, imo.

The ultimate kicker, came when ryles and Philips sent their demand letters, which left Mr. Brumfield absolutely NO option.

lol, it is so obvious that Mr. Brumfield and the funders did all they could to keep shareholders involved.

No doubt the easy way out,,, and greedy way,,, would have been Chapter 7.