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03/19/13 11:06 AM

#39633 RE: Crow3 #39632

But a billion years from now, all that will be forgotten as celestial catastrophes make dust outa the solar system and the sun runs outa fuel!! Some far off descendant will find an old CDEX cert to puzzle over and wonder whatever happened to the IG4
and perhaps marvel at how naïve were his ancestors.

Nothing much will happen that is good re CDEX in the interval. Not for the shareholders anyway. Except maybe the predictions in the filings re going outa bidness will come true. GOTTA HAVE THAT PP MONEY OR SAYONARA!!!


03/19/13 8:33 PM

#39636 RE: Crow3 #39632

I can't believe it!

Are you recommending that some would be investor look somewhere else?

Are you recommending that we leave these insiders to their own bed?

How will we sleep at night knowing that it is their money that we will watch go up in smoke!

Oh lordy, lordy, help us lordy......Schadenfreude!


03/21/13 8:08 PM

#39643 RE: Crow3 #39632


Amazing how like minds think alike concerning Cdex, lol.

You said this:

"So now they are debt free and lying like a rug about the Imaginary capabilities of their "products" while they gleefully divide up the spoils they got outa the BK"

Cdex is "lying" ???

And they are "gleefully dividing up the spoils". ???

Exactly what spoils are they dividing up?