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03/18/13 10:12 AM

#7149 RE: Abig #7147

Innocence Abounds, or I Hope It is Innocence

It really is the "Bottom Line". Abig makes some legitimate technical complaints in terms of things with which one might be concerned. The problem, however, is that they are the kinds of concerns one might find in an MBA's textbook in business school. And don't get me started about my thoughts on how US business schools have contributed greatly to undermining the truly productive and innovative base of our economy.

The point is that by his own admission NanoLogix as now constituted and with the present leadership and BOD, and legal support, and research staff, and the marketing team that has recently been announced with extensive experience in the specific areas that NanoLogix is focused on penetrating, is now generating sales, obtained and is obtaining patent protection, receiving attention from interests that matter in relation to the company's products and appears poised to grow in a strong and positive way. Injecting external authority into this evolving equation and reconstructing the chain of command as has been suggested would do nothing to improve the situation and offers the significant risk of disrupting the implementation of a strategy at a critical point. I am also curious just how the "expert" board members would be identified, recruited and compensated.

In any event, the company appears to have recruited the kind of marketing talent it needs for its sales strategy if one gives credibility to its recent press release. It seems as they are precisely the type of people NanoLogix needs in this phase and the fact that they are in essence marketing consultants who I think are likely paid for results fits the company's limited resource capabilities. If marketing and sales are covered, technology proved by significant research institutions, sales increasing, patents protected, and technology steadily improved and refined, I simply do not know what in reality could be added by going through a disruptive struggle over new board members just at the point the company appears to be "on the move".

Such a process would not only be disruptive but lengthy and there is absolutely no reasons to believe a "Messiah" of a board member exists, or could be identified, or recruited, or compensated at the level appropriate for such a Superman or Superwoman. This does not even begin to touch the internal and external uncertainties that would be created by the resulting struggle, including the "friction" of the conflict at precisely the worst time for discord. But all that really doesn't matter because, like Parents, I am firmly convinced: 1. the company is on the right track, and 2. a strong majority of shareholders support management as it now is.

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03/18/13 6:30 PM

#7154 RE: Abig #7147

Abig posted in part: "If the shareholders felt that the existing board members were the right people for the job a vote would bore that out but we will never know."

Seems we already know as this BOD was elected by a vote of shareholders at the last meeting. "Never Know" also seems to indicate that there will NEVER be another Shareholders Meeting. Sorry, but even taking off my rose-colored glass can not agree with either statement.

Since Abig is so vocal, please advise who you know that would agree to actively get behind the company, agree to serve on the Board for compensation in NNLX shares. Bret did reduce the offered compensation by 7/8's from what it was under prior management, so it's not like Board Members are getting millions of shares for their service.

Yes, I would personally be entirely behind getting more skilled and experienced folks on the Board. but they don't have to wait to be elected to the Board to assist, as am sure Bret would be more than willing to considering adding someone with such interest and skills to the Science Advisory Board ASAP. Therefore in my opinion saying we have to have a Shareholders Meeting is not true as Dr. Manley joined the NNLX effort without it!

Only in my opinion;