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11/17/05 9:17 PM

#5095 RE: chinawatcher #5092

why does it seem the bashing goes up a gear on every board when good news comes out... i am so enraged with anger right now it's a joke... but i will try to keep calm as I try respond to your comments...

am i the only one who, after reading all of this, finds myself being completely dumbfounded... this must honestly be some sort of joke, like i still can't believe i have to deal with this crap...

i should not even be responding... But you know what, I'm not going to delete your posts and here's my response...

1) there was no need to use the word sh**
2) how exactly do i accomodate prince and alienate stogi!? is that a joke?! i warned the both of them to stop bickering. I admitted earlier that it was my fault for not deleting prince's message and i apologized to stogi about it! what else do you want? stogi posted this afternoon and i'm glad that he's back because i do realize he's a big asset to this board... all i want is things to go back to normal...
3) i became the moderator about 6 months ago when doubloon was no longer taking part in the board's daily life... i asked if ANYBODY (including you) wanted to moderate, and everybody said no... so i said i would take it under my responsibility... if you think you can do a better job moderating, i'll give you the freaking job... i'd rather give it to you than have to deal with you just pointing the finger at me in front of everybody...
4) cw, i agree with you that people like hogs and dovdich don't exactly present the best cases, but does that give me the right to delete their messages!?!?!? we DISAGREE on one important aspect since you say this board does not have a "mandate about democracy or free expression"... well guess what cw, i'm the moderator and that's how i want my board to be run... people can say what they want as long as it pertains to ctglf/china , it is no personal attack and they don't curse... THATS HOW EVERY OTHER BOARD ON IHUB WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

now in reponse to your second message that infuriated me even more...

1) do i want to be revolutionary? WHAT?!?!?!?! again, is this some sort of JOKE! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!?!
2) are you telling me what to do!?!?!? again, IS THIS A JOKE!??!?!?!
3) i believe matt and the founders of IHUB gave EVERY PERSON ON THIS SITE the right to have a signature... either a quote or a picture that in someway best represents that person... well that represents me... is there something wrong with that? is that a problem? you're going to tell me that i CAN'T put that even though it's my right?!?!?!
4) i still can't even believe you told me what to do!
cw, cw... i'm disappointed in you... i thought more highly of you until you just bashed at me and told me what i should or should not do...

now, it makes me a million times madder that you did it IN FRONT OF EVERYONE on this board... so i have one question for you, WHY DIDN'T YOU SEND ME AN E-MAIL!?!?! like i have said in my posts, if you have a question/comments/concerns, E-MAIL ME! ITS NOT THAT COMPLICATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

after all of this, i realize that the 2 messages you sent me should be deleted because 1) you cursed in it and 2) you wrote a message on a suject that only involves me and you... you cursing in itself should make me ban you... and i'm very tempted to do that, but i won't stoop to that level...

and since i saw on another board that you are finished posting on ihub, i guess good luck to you... but your composure tonight was completely uncalled for...

p.s. ****IF PEOPLE HAVE QUESTIONS/COMMENTS/CONCERNS that does not have to do with the topic of this board, PLEASE E-MAIL, FOR THE LAST TIME!!!!!!!!****