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03/07/13 12:56 PM

#19638 RE: ShysterChaser #19635

Blame is on the CEO, not the investor. When the CEO in Iowa verbally lambasts its shareholders with salmon and finance on a message board, you know it is time to sell.

My cousin lives in Cordova, AK. I know all about salmon fishing. I also live in LA and NYC, where we have access to the freshest foods in the USA. In addition, I have a finance and accounting background. But Eddie decided to tell me I have no understanding of GAAP nor the FASBs. Eddie, who illegally solicited sales of securities using advertising mechanisms, decides to go on internet message boards and argue with shareholders. Eddie has no finance education, but he determined it was in his best interest to teach me about finance.

I sold out in the 40 and 30 cent range. But for those of you still holding, I would sue him for breach of fiduciary responsibility, and dereliction of duty. Might even call the SEC about the illegal solicitation and violation to Regulation D. I would make sure Eddie goes away, far away from any stock certificate in the future.

That is why the stock sells off. Market makers have nothing to do with this. Blame the jerk behind the desk.