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03/04/13 2:53 PM

#144564 RE: Renaissance #144563

I have to wonder how any forthcoming laws at the state or local level might deal with individual citizens taking action against some of the surveillance platforms that might be used.

I think we can all agree that taking shots at an airship hovering over a city or neighborhood conducting lawful surveillance would be considered breaking the law, just as taking a shot at a police helicopter would be a criminal act.

But what if you are having a gathering in your back yard with friends and family, and you notice one of the small surveillance platforms, perhaps one of the multiple propeller type we've seen being controlled with smart phones, or one of the new hummingbird type that can fly into open doorways and windows. What if you observed one of these micro surveillance devices swarming around your gathering? What if someone in that group decides to smash this little intruder with a folded newspaper, baseball bat, or other readily available "weapon of opportunity". I wonder if that would be considered breaking the law. It seems to me it would be an intrusion of privacy, regardless of the intent of the law enforcement behind it, and I think a lot of folks would be inclined to take a swing at the device.

Yes, it's a slow day on the board, so I thought I'd share some of my recent thoughts on the possibilities as things move forward on how surveillance platforms will be used.