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03/03/13 8:09 AM

#164788 RE: monda2frida #164596

iHub has been a dictatorship: I've thought this out thoroughly and you know how I analyze.... this was a scathing disservice to those who work hard on the other side of the coin.

Instead of telling people what to do in an autocratic/dictatorial way JOLT by removing notes. They should have given us a heads-up, told us WHY.... WHEN... and also let us have a voice.

It's obvious Dave doesn't give a rat’s ass or understands the value on this side of the coin. One of his PM's 'as written' let me know he dictates... and for the most part, without a lot of thought into it.

If he would have planned this out many months ago... they should have given us a heads-up so we could be prepared.

There are no doubt thousands of threads here that seldom get noticed, maybe 4 to 12 people marks. What I did IF>>> I found disparate volume value, A/D value, what looked like front-loading, a whole list of factual DD points that have to do with historical/recent chart data, etc, etc.... was post these, which took a lot of time adding images.

Now Dave PM's, give's me the list of notes I had and expects me too go back and spend no doubt 20 hours or more sifting through my database of image because I can't copy/paste images from these posts. They weren't just any image, they were images of that days/week/month values that can't be replicated.

As everyone can see, this was not planned out at all... it was dictated by one or many two that could care less about the other side.

Here's an example and I know I'm close...

They receive PM's
It Says
Someone deleted my sticky-note
ADMIN Solution
Strip all sticky-notes across the board... without reservation.

Their excuse: "we're considering placing an automatic expiration date on stickies since dated stickies are more of a nuisance than helpful."

How is that monda? You see to them it's a nuisance, and a dated nuisance.

I can't tell you how many times I've gone to an old thread that hasn't been used for years and found something of REAL value to add to my collection on said company. An old article...

Well ok then, we can glean what we will from the old sticky-bote, and if no one else is MOD take and copy what's important and add too our notes.

I was MOD at 64 threads, I spent no doubt 30+ hours thinking, analyzing, then posting images... etc... only to have everything stripped without notice.

They SHOULD HAVE SLOWLY>>>>>>> adopted this rule.
Made subtle changes....

But no, they are dictators and without reason, and without a lot of thought.

What's wrong with having 4 notes at one thread, that hasn't been used in years... posting
Other tidbits so that if someone comes by say 6 months later on this old post? There's Factual long-term value everyone can use.

But this has become Investors Hub.... SHOOT FIRST
Ask questions later.

It's their responsibility since we keep the lights on, to inform everyone ahead of time about major changes!

I'd bet that management didn't have one meeting over this... and take time to brain-storm this huge huge change.

Now their going to micro-manage us further by deleting old sticky-notes at a specific date?

We did just fine without all this micro-management. What they are doing is trying to get away from answering any/all PM's that have to do with something they ADMIN would need to spend time with.

Investors Hub needs a management team and not a few individual dictatorial thugs!

I quite MOD at all threads for A LOT of reasons... not just a few.

One final note: I've told they are thinking about adding 6 sticky-notes since there are 6 Mods. The real question is..... why didn't they incorporate that at the same time?

This tells me, over and over again their planning stages are sporadic, not thought through.... no one's on the same page.

There are a lot of ihubbers really upset, especially in regards to how Admin planned this without notice on something very very important!!!

This place has become a dictatorial TrashBen.

If you didn't get a chance... here are a few notes from those who spoke out:

Americans hate tyranny. No wonder people are leaving. Here's an idea...let mods run their own board.

Please sticky #307 for me on the following board:

I'm the only moderator and I've already used my one sticky. TIA ;)

Btw, who do I request this of in the future?

Edit to add: You really need a primary mod on each board. Just remove them if they become abusive, ignore tos, or disappear for long periods.

I think this was a real bad idea. on my thread we only have 2 moderators so we are now allowed only 2 stickies. How about the threads that have only 1 moderator? Like I said real bad idea.

In my case we had historical data of analysts where new investors and old investors can look back at research. We also had earnings going back 10 years and now IHUB justs blows them all away.

What in the world prompted this bone head idea?

Lol, so boards with one mod can only have one sticky?? Or if there are two or even three, but one is active, than it still doesnt seem practical. Great idea...NOT!

Meatloaf? All work and no play!!! Now all the friggin' $tickies are gone... Hope you're happy now~ lmfao!!! smile

Ps: Instead of making improvements, now y'all have created more problems for Mods!

***I still wonder how this 'paid' service maintains its 5star customer Service ratings... big smile

We shall overcome~


Don't think that's that great of an idea.....Why not let the mods handle's gonna delete a lot of good stickies....specially on boards with not much activity......don't see why sticky removal is a priority over something like makng Ctrl-Enter submit posts........z

And What About Sticky Notes that carry blatantly false information about a company???

Just going to let a Moderator throw up a post with false content??? You need another system for sticky notes that does not allow blatantly false info about a stock company to be put up as a sticky IMO......

Some Mods. leave a board but never resign.

Some Mods. sign up just to keep bashers from being Mods. They aren't interested in the day to day operation of a board so they won't post a Sticky.

i moderate some stock specific boards where i am the only moderator-now i can't add any more stickies-doesn't seem practical.

WHEN iHub started to micro-manage MODS... this is when all the trouble started.

Dictated by a few

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03/03/13 11:43 AM

#164827 RE: monda2frida #164596

Nope Kinda Silly! I just noticed this too, Now I have to go find more Mods for the board so we can have more than one sticky! LMAO