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Dominion Melchizedek

03/01/13 2:21 PM

#96054 RE: bdelect #96050

The answer to that question might possible blow your mind since the answer is so obvious that my stating it would win me the Captain Obvious Award.

Lets see,

No PRs since May 2012 - thats over 9 months ago.
No Revenues
No real factory
No real offices
No real phones
No real POs (that $1.2 million PR was as hilarious as the claim there was a distributor called David Shaw that actually does business)
No Bid.
Used paid shills like Shakerzzz, Pinnacle Digest, Pennyland, ect. to enable toxic financiers to dump billions of commons bloating the OS count to nearly 28 billion. - chief amongst them is John Banks who was nailed here using a shell called Rich Capital and also controls the Flushaway patents - not even current last anyone checked.

So the answer is there if you read between the lines.