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02/23/13 2:59 PM

#40127 RE: yzkiley #40126

good question.

my guess would be because as soon Toxic Charlie gives up and caves in, WGAS is done and the ATM gets shut off.

now that Mustang is gone, WGAS is left with no cash flow from any operations, so Volk wants to keep the public market ATM operating as long as he can, milking the hope that is produced by very carefully crafted PR's like the one we saw recently - no real details, just hope.

but Toxic Charlie has been busy setting up other corporations, so he has a safety net/bailout plan if things don't go his way in his upcoming last gasp in the courts with WGAS.


02/23/13 3:02 PM

#40128 RE: yzkiley #40126

ABS-O-LUTELY right. :-D if it monte had such a great case it would have been over months ago.

and if this lease is just some "tiny tract", as some have suggested, rather than it being a key piece of EXXI's consolidation of VM-179, surrounded by all their drilling campaign with pendragon and merlin, no one would give a rat's about it.

instead it's being treated like the belle at the ball.


02/23/13 3:06 PM

#40131 RE: yzkiley #40126

May be they are all in the same team making it look like they are in different teams who knows. In Real Estate world, one can buy or sell a house with different company name each time even though one person is doing these transactions. Now, we are hearing Montecito is getting restricted shares and Volk is interested in Virgin (with a few wells with questionable revenue) but who knows really. All of that is reflected in PPS I think. If this was such a great stock, we would have seen continuation after certain drop. Well it is not in double zeros yet but again who knows, eh? Direction is reflected in PPS well enough I think. Not saying it will go back to double zeros but it sure looks like it at the momentum at which it has fallen so far. Yes, the more it falls the better for sideliners who have been waiting to catch it but how many sideliners would get into this play anyway when company itself is not showing signs of transparency, (locked pages on website, hiding minute details of transactions, ..).. And what if, just what if, company thinks that IHUB is a way of being transparent and not will see someone here from the company giving inside info without revealing whether that someone works for WGAS?? hmm..