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11/14/05 9:19 AM

#25756 RE: mayu #25755

shhhhhhhh mayu - can't you see they keep avoiding the truth - lol.

"there never was a blue dress" - "it wasn't an aspirin factory" - "osama who?" - "oil-for-greed" - and on and on.

so far, not one democRat has acknowledged the fact that THEY were convinced long before 9-11 (does Able Danger come to mind) that we were threatened. why? because they FAILED America as they always have.

they're in for another rude awakening in 2006, and again in 2008!

God Bless (guess I shouldn't have said that on this political correct board, but I'd rather be correct in His eyes than politically correct)


11/14/05 9:35 AM

#25758 RE: mayu #25755

You have to try to get over Clinton - he hasn't been president for 5 years.
GWB lied to the nation/world and took us into a war that never should have happened - now he's trying to explain his way out of the box. GWB's a failure all around.

Rep candidates for governor of VA and NJ learned the hard way this past election - stay away from GWB. Dem Tim Kaine soundly beat Rep Jerry Kilgore in VA, even though (and possibly because) Kilgore had GWB come into the state to promote his campaign. Dem Jon Corzine beat the Rep candidate in NJ, who BTW put in his printed campaign literature the fact that GWB supported him.

Now GWB is whining about the Dems in DC who are cricitizing him - I say it's ABOUT TIME.


11/14/05 9:43 AM

#25760 RE: mayu #25755

Good points...but unpopular amongst the posters here. Remember; the truth is incidental in the argument.