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11/14/05 6:30 PM

#25802 RE: iamshazzam #25756

If you were to go back to my posts as far back as you could go... I would STILL be saying the same things regarding the Iraqi war. I NEVER fell for all the malarkey... But you notice little commentary or controversy has EVER been brought up regarding the Afghan war. Why? They ain't the same things for the same reasons. Iraq is a travesty. A lie.

It just didn't make sense... Didn't then, and it doesn't now...

Saddam had his ass handed to him on a plate in '91. You just don't understand how a man like him thinks.

I met plenty in Mexico like him. If a fellow threatened you by demonstrating his gun there, you just walk away, your back toward him,... so long as other people are around. If he's gonna shoot you, he's gonna shoot you anyway. But if he didn't, it's the ultimate insult and he lost his nerve.

By the way... who is God to YOU if you haven't even the slightest clue who the heck YOU are? LORDIE! I'd rather be simply a wise and compassionate man for no other damn good reason than it makes things flow more smoothly than a primativistic, superstitious believer in something one truly has no clue about. Particularly out of fear. Seems to me a sound respect for reasons WORTHY of respect is better than a fearful show of respect.

I'm 100% certain Jesus would consider all his work and teachings lost if he were to return. He sure wouldn't recognize what gets passed off for his teachings as his teachings today...

Only thing different is blood sacrifice is symbolic now... No more spilling the blood of animals on the temple steps.