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02/19/13 7:12 PM

#1150 RE: IIKings #1149

Chapter 1. Secrets unfolding.
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Not sure if I am doing this image thing right. Anyway, when the 10-K for 2009 was being prepared, the bookkeeper noticed some strange charges on VTMS's bank account. August 6, 2009, Bukstel charged $2,774 on the company's debit card at an establishment titled BJ's Solid Gold, in Conshohoken, Pennsylvania.
Two days' later, there was another set of charges at BJ's for $1,596. (All this taken from court records in the proceedings by the complaining shareholders against Ed Bukstel and VitaminSpice.
Given that VitaminSpice was a start up, with its cash met from ordinary folk's cash investments (including the bookkeeper himself and his friends), cash was tight.
The bookkeeper asked Bukstel what this expenditure was, but got no answer.
Bj's Solid Gold does business under the name "Seventh Heaven."
Here is what Seventh Heaven claims on its website (I have no affilitation with them haha)

Well, our little town has grown up all around us and we're now in our 22nd year of offering Adult Entertainment on E. Hector Street in Conshohocken. We may not be as BIG and fancy as some of the "city" clubs, but we offer many of the same great features; namely, what we've become famous for --beautiful, topless and nude entertainers 7 days a week. We offer a cozy bar --where you can have a smoke if you like-- with ice cold draft and the latest cocktails, BIG screen sports on several screens, personal dances with your favorite entertainer, and you can enjoy the privacy and comfort of our champagne court as well. Not too big, not too small, but just right for an hour, the day, or the night.

Just one entry in the general ledger led to many more questions.
Because when professionals in the securities industry see something amiss, they start to investigate.