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02/20/13 1:25 PM

#1151 RE: IIKings #1150

Post Mortem Part 2
There were lots of other charges to the company credit card that did not fit in. Dating websites, women's clothing,etc.; here are $2,140 in charges from [img][/img] a massage place called Mission Holistics, in San Francisco
$2,140 in "massages" in one day is quite expensive.
As a result of this, the bookkeeper arranged a meeting with Bukstel to discuss these irregularities and another big issue. There was a second employee on premises, who was supposed to help with keeping the records straight. The company was being run out of Bukstel's hip pocket--- not the way a public company should be. But Bukstel was keeping all the records to himself, which were a mess.
Bukstel is a great salesman but not very good organizationally. We all have are good and bad points, but if you have a public company, you have to learn how to delegate to others.
The meeting in March 2010 did not go well. It did not go well because Bukstel did not show up. Bukstel was "indisposed" and this turned out to the third problem.
Sadly, almost every day during this time period, Bukstel was imbibing heavily. Many business meetings were being missed.
It all came to a head on a fateful July 6, 2010.