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used up sm

01/31/13 10:34 AM

#3388 RE: secrets #3387

Don't you know that the little WiLife camera keeps an eye on the SM's. So I could imagine if they are not bringing in any money for that particular studio the DM can Che k them out to see what they have been doing all day.


01/31/13 10:35 AM

#3389 RE: secrets #3387

I am thankful for my job and I am still working hard to exceed my goals everyday, I do not like not knowing when my customers photos are coming in and I sit on this board to get answers or any info since we aren't be told anything. I do not sit and text, walk around all day. I have time to be on this board since as of Dec 26th am only open 3 days (21 hours) a week. We care and this is our new place to vent to one another so we dont vent in front of customers.


01/31/13 10:52 AM

#3392 RE: secrets #3387

Secrets: First of all, my studio closes at 3 on Monday and Thursday and is closed Tuesday and Wednesday so I am not currently at work posting to this board, nor was I yesterday as I previously pointed out that my studio is closed on Wednesdays so before you jump my ass get your facts straight! Second, I am not complaining about making goals, I've made my years and then some so again maybe you should know the facts before you start judging. I was merely stating that threatening us with termination if we don't make their goals is ridiculous because we just ended our busiest season and there is always a lull this time of year! What you don't know about me is that like so many of my counterparts, I started out as a seasonal hire who worked really hard to get where I am! And why should we in the field bust our asses any harder than we have when we aren't getting the guidance and support of our "leaders" ? What are they doing for us? I can barely pay my bills and to top it off they won't let me out of my medical plan, which by the way is even more expensive when your hours have been cut! Personally, I feel like every manager should be standing up for themselves, the studio and their associates! If we don't, who will? We were told the hours would come back, they haven't! We were told everything is fine, it isn't! We have been told about possible buyers, and yet we haven't been sold! They continue to fill our heads with BS and lies! Does it seem natural to you to have had 4 DM's in 3 weeks or are you one of the drones following blindly?


01/31/13 4:05 PM

#3418 RE: secrets #3387

Get real. I don't think most people are upset about having a goal to work for and I don't think most of us are trying to get out of working hard. What I think what people are upset about is having a goal that is completely UNattainable and then on top of that not being encouraged in any way shape or form.... It is bad for morale to almost never be able to hit your goal and the worst thing is always getting a nasty "or else" attitude along with that b.s. goal!