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01/30/13 10:19 PM

#337914 RE: janice shell #337913

How anyone could possibly fail to see that Hodges is clinically insane is beyond me

Anyone who hooks up with the World Reports crew, Cottrell/Bonney, WGS, Dinar scam, White Hats, etc., and believes Tramp has a clue about anything, must be insane.

Did West actually read any of the World Reports garbage, or the letters to the Queen/POTUS? Is Kevin aware that Hodges neglected to show ANY evidence to the court, that he also refuse to show ANY evidence to his clients? He should ask Frizzell about that before he writes stupid emails to shareholders about his "faith" in Hodges. The same guy who stonewalled him about his allege evidence.

It's our anniversary! January three years ago this saga began with Story/Cottrell/Billy the Kid. Those were good times! lol