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01/30/13 9:06 PM

#337910 RE: dia duit #337909

By: goodolboy27
30 Jan 2013, 03:07 PM CST
Msg. 1155376 of 1155437

Dave, this is for your viewing pleasure:


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« Reply #6 Yesterday at 8:23am »

Mike, don't worry about it. The fact is Kevin has vacillated between reality and fantasy for years. Remember he specifically stated that Urban was a "Godly man" yet never recanted that in light of the facts. Kevin also said he thought gusjarvis was a good person and means well knowing that he is directly connected to Urban, and knowing that Dave deliberately twisted everything Kevin ever said to fit his ridiculous conspiracy (he even responded to Dave publicly about it) yet never recanted.

But, most disturbing is Kevin's undying support of Al Hodges... Knowing the fraud that took place in CMKM, knowing the facts, knowing the details of how the fraud was committed, Kevin still chose to support Hodges efforts casting aside the facts and once again putting his "faith" in Hodges regardless of him having absolutely no evidence to support his claims! This is the same blind faith he afforded Urban Casavant as well. Apparently, he does not learn from his past experiences.

Now, this should concern every shareholder. What private shareholder information has Kevin provided Hodges (if any?) Did he breach his fiduciary responsibility to the company and it's shareholders in his conversations with Hodges. Did he provide him with an updated MSL so that Hodges would have addresses for the fantasy "paymaster" to send checks to when he immediately traveled to CA to meet with Hodges after he resigned? I have no idea, but it certainly concerns me. Also disconcerting are the gaps in the TA transaction reports submitted in the Glisson case. I know the company had transactions, and we also know that Hodges did as well. Sure, those are not direct evidence in the Glisson case... Right? Or were they? I don't believe the company transactions are, but what of Hodges? We know that Marco used Hodges' bivens suit as a marketing ploy to sell more shares. We also know that some of Hodges' clients utilized Marco's services. So, it is no big leap to speculate some sort of link exists there. And most disturbing of all, exactly how many shares of CMKM did Kevin give Hodges to support his efforts? What did Hodges do with those shares? If true (and I have no reason to believe it isn't), did Kevin do this prior to his resignation, concurrent with his resignation or was it after? This is of utmost importance. If true, had this transaction occurred during Kevin's employment or BOD position, this would be a huge conflict of interest and breach of his fiduciary obligations and should be investigated thoroughly.

I can put up with quite a bit of nonsense. I've seen the mismanagement of recovered funds in CMKM, the idiocy on the part of management when they decided to spend and commit to spend prior to assets being secured (Can Cal to be specific). I've seen how those actions spawned additional fuel for the conspiratorial fires, suggesting the new TA was the vehicle for our settlement payments as that must be WHY we needed a transfer agent when the company didn't even have a pot to #### in nor a window to throw it out of. I've seen how the only skin in the game Kevin had was his time which was compensated btw. Yet those that fronted the money, paid the bills and juggled finances just to keep this bulshittium moving forward were continually questioned, disrespected and blamed for failed recovery efforts or the lack thereof.

I've said this many times in the past, but I'm going to say it one more time. Kevin and the previous BOD held the reigns and blew it for the rest of us. They controlled the efforts, yet turned around and blamed others for their own failures. They failed because their number one guy, Kevin, had his head up his ass for far too many years, and does so to this day as evidenced by his support of a lie.

Many of you may twist this as some sort of defense for Bill Frizzell, but he's not off the hook either. The reasons why Kevin and the previous BOD blamed Bill for the handling of the Glenn case as well as other recovery efforts do have merit. Procrastination is the real issue when it comes to Bill's efforts. I know of assets that absolutely nothing has been done with for years now, and it infuriates me! At first, I was convinced that the procrastination was due to the lack of funds to legitimately pursue those assets, but I am no longer convinced that is the case. Sure, the many years of effort causes a level of burn-out, but when that becomes a recognizable fact, then it's time to turn over that responsibility to an associate firm willing to take the lead. That never happened. I know that Bill is rebuilding his practice, and fully support that effort knowing CMKM will never fulfill any possible "retirement" plan for him nor any of us for that matter. But, I would be lying if I said I was 100% supportive of the effort or direction made.

There is plenty of blame to go around as far as CMKM is concerned. The mismanagement, the BOD fallout, the legal effort, and the mindset of those involved in those capacities, left us dead in the water. Thankfully, Steve stepped in and regardless of a few minor mis-steps (paltalk for example) he's done a great job trying to pick up the pieces and get this company moving forward once again. What really pisses me off though, is the previous BOD had his resume long before the "fallout" yet never acted on it then! Can you imagine where we would be today had they hired him back then? One can only speculate now.

I don't intend on providing any insights that may unintentionally negate any recovery effort going on today, but it is time we air out the real mess of our past, so that we can legitimately move forward. At least that's my believe. But, what do I know... I'm just a goodolboy.



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« Reply #11 Yesterday at 4:15pm »


Yesterday at 3:44pm, f4d~ wrote:

I never worry. Thanks though.

I decided to post a retraction because of Kevin's email to me. I guess I felt I owed him that much. I still think Al Hodges is a nutjob and that CMKX should have distanced themselves from Hodges a long time ago. I still remember phone calls with Kevin and remember things differently than he, given the emails he decided to post in his response to me to have me change my comments against "that side".

I always want to share truth here and get the answers we all want and need. Kevin denies saying and feeling what I posted and I wasn't going to hide or not share his email because I think and/or remember differently so I shared it with you all instead of sweeping it under the carpet. There is his truth, and mine I guess and his selective memory and mine as well. My intentions are not to mislead but help bring ANYONE to justice that has taken advantage of ANY CMKX shareholder. NOBODY is off limits.

As Goodolboy posted, how could anyone in their right mind actually believe Hodges? The fact that Kevin says he does says one thing to me.............................................

....................................I'm glad he gone and resigned. Got DINARS?
I wish Steve K the very best and hope he is a more balanced, intellectually-sound individual. If he isn't, he'll be about as successful as Kevin was for the rest of us. I don't have my money back, the company isn't trading and nobody is in jail.

The recovered asset money is and has kept things going though. Course, that doesn't buy any milk for any of us this week does it? Oh well. It's only been like what.........................a couple of years?

Thanks for the support and private messages. Some of you really are terrific.

Nope, but Kevin does (or did.) I wouldn't be surprised if Kevin traded Hodges CMKM shares for dinars. I mean seriously, where did he get $12k worth of dinars? CMKM certainly didn't pay that well... or did it?

janice shell

01/30/13 9:16 PM

#337911 RE: dia duit #337909
