Listen to the CC but then you may be too late to buy at this PPS. Read whatever you can about this company and do your dd; You probably have two weeks time although the PPS may rise smoothly before the CC( but that , nobody knows as the market is not predictable.
Will they have sucess with their acquisition, The LSS? Celestech; etc...? Again nobody is 100 percent sure but I would not bet agaist it. Most longterm holders are very confident that this is the most important time in the history of LWLG.
If I were you I would buy what I can afford but you should realize I am not an objective observer any more; I am a longtermholder.
Yes, yes, yes, and yes. All are on very possible and in a short time frame. Be aware though that at different points over the past several years most of those catalysts were thought to be so very close but in the end nothing happened. Don't let this discourage you. Nearly everyone who follows Lightwave closely will agree that the company has never been more poised for major developments.