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01/27/13 2:47 PM

#95867 RE: bdelect #95865

Pure nonsense....Everyone can clearly see this scam is just a stock dumping operation.... it even has a few shill that still jump in to hype for it...trying desperately make it look like it has a pulse.


01/27/13 6:01 PM

#95868 RE: bdelect #95865

Response to post #95865.

bdselect, just curious about where you might be coming from when you assert "Now counterfeiting abundant amount of shares, well that would take a longer amount of time like the time it would take for a full investigation.". Did you per chance get this idea from Tom Hands? I ask this as evidently Tom may have talked to others about some mysterious mythical massive naked shorts existing in PYCT (as is alluded to in the $$$$ post below).

Wednesday, December 19, 2012 1:12:57 PM
Re: cedarcreek post# 95377
Post #95378 of 95867
just got off phone with Tom, told me same thing. Asked him about Knight and if there is a short in should do the same!$$$$

This assertion seems strange and is in direct opposition to what Paychest is formally documenting in their financial reports (see reference below). Could it be that Tom is telling callers what they want to hear in hopes that they won't sell their PYCT positions, or even may increase their holdings while awaiting some future potential short cover? Is it that even though Tom, and possibly even the company, may believe this, that they still need to be truthful in their financial statements knowing full well the DTC, and quite likely the SEC, are watching their every move very closely?

Reference from page 6 of the Paychest 2Q2012 report: "The Company has been delayed in pursuing this due to a small core team that has been addressing a temporary 'chill' imposed by the Depository Trust Company and the extended absence of the President, for personal reasons. As far as the Company can tell, the temporary chill was triggered as a result of an increase in issued and outstanding shares, caused by preferred shareholders converting."

My belief is that Paychest is being honest in the statement above which was made in this now very closely scrutinized financial. Also, to this end, whatever verbal assertions are made by Tom to callers he can later arguably deny it since it wasn't recorded or put in writing.

bdselect, you have a right to your opinion and believe what you will. At least no one here is currently saying something to the effect that Paychest formally requested that the DTC Chill be imposed on themselves. That surely would be something to see and would be viewed as entertainment at its finest.

Anyway, good day to you.


01/28/13 7:42 AM

#95874 RE: bdelect #95865

There are alot of people that do not want to see pyct succeed which in reality is ridiculous because whhat pyct could bring to the table would benefit everyone on this planet!

OMG!!! and that could of happenned 6-7years ago.
Do some DDand youwill find that this story is a decade old..TommYboy and Banks just took the story stateside when it became apparent that Canada had run out of

Dominion Melchizedek

01/28/13 12:05 PM

#95880 RE: bdelect #95865

Nonsense. PCYT trades UNSOLICITED ONLY - no MM firm makes a market in PYCT. The only things MMs do is arrange the trade between 2 brokers representing retail clients.

The only ones who have created PYCT shares is PYCT itself - recently billions upon billions to pay off the toxic financiers who bought Preferred Shares from PYCT and handed PYCT Cash. Cash is $0 - its all gone. The money looted by the scammers running is what is keeping PYCT around by paying a few fees here and there as they try and figure out a way make money out of a dead spent scam.

The socalled Flushaway product was already successfully test marketed under CES several years ago. News Flash - its didnt transform the planet, it was a dud - sales were miniscule, despite getting their foot in the door at the likes of WALMART and KMART. This scam hasnt produced any new pads - if they had they would be at least selling them online themselves or using an Ebay or Amazon type E Store.