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01/25/13 7:07 AM

#143708 RE: nilremerlin #143707

whats the difference, does not change reality. billionairs have been made by someone else's ideas that they could not market.
perfect example is apple, steve jobs was given GUI, he had no clue it existed. his great mind knew the Park from xerox was the future even if xerox thought little of it and practically gave it to him after all their hard work.
one of steves most famous quotes Im sure will be in a movie was: Scully, do you want to sell sugar water the rest of your life, or come with me and change the world.
he had the wrong religion, but did change the world, apple sits on 100 billion in cash today.
I remember when I told someone about apple in 2002. I saw his comeback and knew his ability from watching him build apple in the face of microsoft. I told that person if you have any extra cash for investing to buy apple, it was at 12. I said you will never see it this low again.
dont confuse my statement with where wsgi is going, its sort of a similar thing but possibly on an infinately smaller scale. I dont see steve here, but I like watching underdogs and hope do good things.
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01/25/13 8:12 AM

#143709 RE: nilremerlin #143707

Real people. A little sour grapes IMO. They are missing some of the behind the scenes info that will come out in the next 4-6 months that will explain more IMO. Remember my complaints about the "plain jane" envelope that they put up with the first BiB at AUVSI? Apparently it was a Galaxy Blimps bag. Galaxy is a Generation 1 company beginning to fall behind IMO. We already knew that WSGI had to outsource their envelope manufacture. Now we know Tony gave them that first boring white sausage. Don't you like the new undersail design better? I need to up my estimate of companies in the WSGI network. Galaxy wasn't on my radar. If we are done with them I am fine with that, however. Just my first read. The discussion is good news IMO. Might be a violation of NDA by Tony, however. You sign a NDA, you don't get to rail on the company you subcontract for IMO. Even if it isn't a violation, it is not very classy business practice IMO. JMHO. IndyJonesOhio.
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01/25/13 10:08 AM

#143712 RE: nilremerlin #143707

Interesting Nil, all the comments were a month ago when the BIB demo PR came out and no comments since then? Our DoD contract PR has been out for a week now and no comments from those folks?

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01/25/13 12:01 PM

#143717 RE: nilremerlin #143707

I looked up Tony White and the same people kissing his rear in the comments are the same ones that have "recomended" him on linked in. I tend to agree it is sour grapes. IP protection in K language tends to be pretty clear cut and im sure BJ protected all WSGI ownership rights to the collaboration. Besides, he just states he drew up something. Good job. Did he come up with and design the recycler? Maybe then I might give him some props.