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01/25/13 3:49 PM

#440 RE: Flatcat #439

Some random thoughts on BA battery issues.

Are the Li-ion batts. in question, units the size of those in power tools, or larger? Is each battery monitored for temp/draw demand parameters? I should assume that they might begin flying some test flight 787s with plenty of test equippment on board and with full pressurized flight suits and extra data recorders.

I assume 787 is fly-by-wall aircraft, with a number of hydrallic systems replaced with electrical powered stuff. Does the 787 have a back up (and seperate cable system isolated)fly-by-wire system for rudementary flight control in emergency situations?
The 787 was a 'bridge-too-far' technology upgrading system for a passenger liner?

Did on-board avonics (think radar waves) cause energy wave harmonics in an interaction situation with batteries cell composition and circuits? Did battery company have experience with producing li-ion battery packs for flight regimes (pressure, vibration, temperature) flight cycles?

The Dreamliner battery space may not have been designed with sufficient volume and dimenional capacity, for other types of batt use chemistry parameters.

Maybe BA should go talk to TELSA about their battery design monitoring systems . . . Telsa uses thousands of smaller Li-ion batteries with a computer program that actively monitors each smaller battery . . . and can turn them off and on through the battery package and thus prevent excessive drawdown rates (that can cause temp spikes and internal battery pressures as a result).
It will be an interesting question for reporters to ask of
BA and battery company and FAA.

BA system and business planers should have second or third source of Li-ion batteries already integrated in their business plan for DreamLiner Black Swan scenarios . . . right? MBA talking to engineer who is rolling his eyes 'lets solve this quickly . . . can't we just drill an exhaust port to deal with this?'

Battery provider of Li-ions might be able to drop out some internal Li-ion battery cells/plates and install computer switching on/off circuit pod, in each Li-ion battery. Call up Eldon Musk Telsa head and see what he and his people think on that conecpt. DreamLiner may also have to reduce flight manever profile battery draws, to lessen this eventing from happenning. Aircrews would have to be re-trainned on this change in ascent and descent avonics fly-by-wire deployment regimes.

Another possible 'fix' might entail electric thin-film solarcells to help 'smooth' the fly-by-wire avonics systems operational needs. Meaning . . . one deploys slower and sooner avonics fly-by-wire demand flight profiles. That could be what transpires, to keep'um flying.

Whats strange about this is Li-ion batteries are used in aviation and other flight defense systems designs, and with no released incidents of same performance instances.