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01/21/13 12:33 PM

#108727 RE: Protector #108721

Very interesting read. I always listen to conspiracy theories. Thank you
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01/21/13 12:49 PM

#108728 RE: Protector #108721

CP Great post! You are prolific! …..and I appreciate your investigating and well as your writing skills. Breast cancer may be where it started and along with the control arm on the 1st line NSCLC (My post #107108) and then Black Monday. . . . . . That is a trend if I ever saw one. Of course we should throw in how much AF/DD loved those events......
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01/21/13 12:51 PM

#108729 RE: Protector #108721

CP, you have to reach across English Channel and bring Sherlock Holmes in.

Now, on a more serious note, only one corrupted person could switch samples, vials or labels, possibly at the shipping department, or a cleaning person after everybody else has left.
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01/21/13 1:23 PM

#108732 RE: Protector #108721

Maybe u is on to something Sherlock or maybe not...

Would not this have to be PR'ed.

Anybody in law enforcement want to call Fargo PD and ask?
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01/21/13 1:30 PM

#108733 RE: Protector #108721

CP, how about this conspiracy theory.

In this day and age it seems most everything has some computer program involved with making it happen, even coding and labeling of trial samples. How hard would it be for a good hacker to go in to CSM's software and switch some info causing "coding and labeling discrepancies". The CSM employee might not notice and be total unaware that anything had changed. Especially if this hacking was done after everything was up and running, say part way into the trial. Product samples would go out with the change unnoticed. People at the trial sites would have no idea anything was wrong.
Ultimately CSM would still be libel because someone breached their security and eventually the person responsible for overseeing this would be fired, maybe even used as a scapegoat. This would be where the FBI might be brought in. How many groups can we put on the list for wanting to sabotage PPHM?

Probably reading to many novels but it's a thought!
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01/21/13 2:08 PM

#108739 RE: Protector #108721

CP... I like the post and I'll just say anyone that feels that "sabotage" was 100% not possible is very naive and I don't see how it does damage to anyones credibility. There is greed and corruption in every level of society and just look at the latest news of Armstrong.... I forget the exact phrase but at one point he says something along the lines of "I didn't consider it cheating.... because cheating is when you have an "advantage" ... and when everyone is doing it... it was not an advantage.... it was all getting on a level playing field....

I agree with Carlton... in I hope they do get to the bottom of this and lets hope that IF Bavi is as great as we all believe that its not being held back ... not held back for even 1 year ... because cancer patients would be the ultimate ones that pay the price for the greedy few.

Hoping for some continued good news... good data... GLTA!
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01/21/13 5:32 PM

#108756 RE: Protector #108721

Cloaked...are you saying that there are possibly those that will stop at nothing to either stop or completely control Bavituxmab....

I said it before and I'll say it again...everything Peregrine is doing does not occur in a vacuum...

Time will tell...or not...thanks for the analysis....Sherlock..

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01/21/13 9:17 PM

#108777 RE: Protector #108721

CP, on your side of the ledger, there is no doubt, from my reading, that AF is rational and understood the PPHM data on survival in the 2nd line trial, and the mechanism of action for Anti-PS therapy. But what doesn’t jive is his rather irrational piecemeal attack on bavi trial results that he weaves through the article. They are mutually incongruent.

If there was untoward input into the coding errors, I would suspect that it was sourced from the short-sell-side industry that depends partly on the obvious negatively constructed e-zine articles.

Who are all the players in that scene, who knows for certain. I would be interested to know who was positioned on the morning of September 24th with fists full of dollars. Who were the big buyers on that morning? My guess: The ugly!

I don’t suspect BP so much. There were, I believe, several BPs who had been scrutinizing Peregrine's trial data. They all, certainly, had a full scientific professional grasp on the survival data and mechanism of the anti-PS platform. One BP should not find advantage over its competitors by engineering a coding trick. They should all be able to tease out the weight of the coding error from the mechanism of action and the tentative survival data. For them, it was just a delay.

There would have been a monstrous short term advantage to someone ready to buy on the morning of September 24th!


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01/21/13 9:54 PM

#108780 RE: Protector #108721

CJ move this post to the top no disrespect Loofman but Cloaked has something ALL longs need to read!
Thanks CP
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01/21/13 10:46 PM

#108784 RE: Protector #108721

If it was sabotage why didn't they do a better job of it? Why leave out the 3 mg/kg arm? I think you have
been watching too many spy movies.
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01/24/13 5:03 PM

#109197 RE: Protector #108721

THURLY KT JAKEDOGMAN "r622" RRDOG !!!!!!! Please respond your thoughts on this post Ive read it over 3 times ....

My friend at "State Street" I think hes posted here before as snakepitcustoms agrees 100% with it...

You guys are very level headed PLEASE give your thoughts.

(other longs please add if you like and please dont take offense that I called out these 5 for their opinion I respect all of you but these 5 never post with emotion always fair "I fall in that category of emotion......)
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01/24/13 6:55 PM

#109218 RE: Protector #108721

"It is when last week I looked into that April 15th Encrypted message at the SEC..."

CP... the encrypted message at the SEC... this is the CTO (Confidential Treatment Order) for April 15th that you were referring to? I just wanted to make sure

I was looking for the link that shows this CTO ... as it relates to the Breast Cancer trial results?