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01/14/13 4:17 PM

#1273 RE: stockable #1272

There does not seem to be another plant -- what about hitchhiking onto a larger miner's facilities as a means to get partnered -- the overall lag in the gold and silver markets appear to be political as well as over extended capital in play in light of increased cost to maintain production levels -- it HAS been quite expensive to mine since 2009!! No thanks to US administration.

I still come back around to the fact that there is a hunt going on and the companies who gear up the fastest are going to get the better big miners to partner with.. time is going to become critical. Look what happened to Hecla versus Coeur D'alene -- both started off comparable companies but one took the fast growth route through partnering while the other got bogged down with self-prided management and essentially lost out on the most recent run up in silver -- fast forward three years and the "loser" is playing catch up and on a positive note, has become an expert in underground mining which gives it an edge for deposits requiring that expertise.

While Tomas is keen on maintaining relations with Mexican Gov.'t, which will drag its feet for as long as it wants -- LSTG goes nowhere in 3 months time -- rather, it makes sense to get results from this first 6000 load and to get done fast so that there IS something to write about. Momentum is everything when it comes to investors and ample cash infusions.. Look at Lydian International -- it is getting others, banks, to fund their construction.. Alguz, stop focussing on what could be insofar as reserves and a corresponding value. Until there is irrefutable proof of what content washes out, LSTG won't get a nibble in the way you hope. As far as engineering goes, the DATA is all that counts and nothing else.

Ferris et al need to find someone to take our dirty laundry and make it sparkling clean immediately!