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01/15/13 1:58 PM

#400 RE: LarryW #399

Thanks. Also can use News Filter

Good to get 4.0 from 3.9.9
Yesterday I finally when into New Rule and added a line for subject to stop an ongoing news trigger. Kept getting light bulb
for something about "Nasdaq stocks with above average volume for the day". Darn thing would trigger 2-3 times during day.

A lot can depend on source of news, like whether Yahoo, Google, Dow Jones, etc. Noticed Yahoo prone to duplicate triggers since they pick up stories from such a wide variety of papers. Then only blocking the subject will stop them.


02/07/13 6:57 AM

#405 RE: LarryW #399

I just did a fresh install of 4 on desktop. Is it me, or is there a lot of lagging while setting up? Also, every chart I bring up seems to need a manual backfill. Not being critical here, I understand if this is all in the works. Just trying to catch up with you guys. Mikey only told me about this board a day ago.


02/07/13 8:15 AM

#406 RE: LarryW #399

I find nothing on TDAmeritrade's website about a new version (v4) of Quotetracker. The latest version shown available is 3.9.9

I also called TDA and asked about this.