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01/11/13 3:25 AM

#70092 RE: properlynumb #70010

You, sir, are FOS.

The 2nd Amendment, if you actually READ it, AND read the writings of the men who wrote it, is VERY clear on what the word "militia" means. And, it MEANS the common citizen.

I just listened to a very knowledgeable fellow on this issue, and his suggestion, which I concur with, is to send an email to everyone you know, and have everyone approach their county sheriff to bring up the issue of what happens if the fed gov't were to circumvent the 2nd Amendment in ANY manner.

The main point being, that sheriffs all across the nation could deputize as many citizens as they wanted to, and form a militia even today. His example was that the fed gov't could send 100,000 troops into Wyoming, and if the sheriffs put the word out about defending the country and the 2nd Amendment against DOMESTIC enemies, it would not take very long to have a 500,000 man militia in Wyoming ready to meet and greet whoever might attempt such tyranny.

I suspect there are at least 30-40 other states who would have an equal response to such an appeal by their sheriffs.

So, in other words, you, and all your liberal, anti-Republic, socialistic, wimpy, anti-Constitutional sheeple can make all the noise you want and hide behind TRUE WEENIES and SCUM like Piers Morgan and Rachael Maddow and Bill Maher, but in the end, if the nation of TRUE AMERICANS who respect the founding fathers and don't want a country run by the minority on issues like gays (3-4%), gun confiscation (probably 20% at best would support this, as there are about 80 million gun owners), then you belly-aching about what you want and don't want means diddly squat.

I don't want my tax dollars spent on abortion, gay rights, foreign aid, illegal aliens, or 22 FREAKING $168,000 a year helpers for EACH Congress person, but that doesn't stop the blatant waste of tax dollars, does it?

Once again, I put this link out there for ANY weeny liberal on this issue to debate. I know I'll be waiting forever for someone to try and contradict the FACTS:

Every true American should email their entire list to contact local sheriffs NOW on this potential crisis in the country. The gov't works FOR the people, and it has turned into one that works against the people if they try and tear apart the Constitution.


01/11/13 12:56 PM

#70132 RE: properlynumb #70010

Your opinions are completely unfounded on this.

The ONLY duties of the President are found, as outlined by Article II, Section 2, of the U.S. Constitution:

Commander in Chief

Creator of international treaties

Grant pardons

Fill vacant spots in Senate


Upholding law is a Courts job.

It IS a Right and must be for the citizenry to do whatever the must to avoid tyrannical despotism.
We the People ARE our own government, we only elect representatives to act in our behalf.

The ownership of firepower is our ONLY deterrent from oppressive force and controls.

Without it, there is NOTHING between us and those who would control us.

And it's good thing we have it or the NWO wouldn't need to be so slow to act or sneaky.

If you can't see the damage done up to now, you haven't understood our mission.

Nothing about THIS government is as it was planned. This is NOT the government of 1776.

It is a fraud and usurper erected by treasonous, selfish men who sold us out for a profit.

Police force???? There is NOTHING constitutional about them. They are not even an agency of conferred powers or government. They exist under the executive branch which means they are standing armies and THEIR battlefield is the public commons. Can you not see they are being Federalized to act against us?

No,... You got some mighty poorly conceived ideas cooking there. A bit more thought of action and consequence is needed.