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01/03/13 6:56 PM

#28162 RE: VVVVVV #28160

V6, i've been trading since the mid-90s.
i understand shareholder legal rights.
i also know that both lawyers and courts tend to not care in the case of pink stocks.
not enough money to interest the lawyers, and the SEC/courts tend to shrug.
seen that reality play out with dozens of pinks.

and even some multi-billion big board corps, eg: ALGX, Allegiance Telecom, which was destroyed via a debt scam that had been openly reported in media, yet neither the SEC nor courts addressed.

that said, if you want to lead the charge, more power to you.
but please go after Asher, too.
not just Alan, who was naive enough to get trapped in the toxic funding.

re: first quarter numbers, sales growth is important, but profits (net earnings) are necessary to pay off debt.
what will OPHI's earnings be on those sales?

re: RS, imo, not inevitable unless Asher can push the OS over 500m-800m before OPHI can pay off the debt.

nutshell, i know you're furious about this, and have been for several quarters.
none of us are happy about this, except Asher, who are laughing all the way to the bank.

but if you trade as much as you say, then you also know that toxic financing snafus don't resolve overnight.
and you also know that OPHI's core product line won't be in demand until spring.