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Elmer Phud

03/10/03 9:24 PM

#587 RE: spokeshave #585

Spokeshave -

You clearly did not read the post. Klaus was talking about the approach. An approach is not a product, and is not manufacturable

You clearly missed the point.

Your logic is ludicrous. By the same line of reasoning, it would make no sense to look at the weather forcast for tomorrow. After all, if it is not raining today, why should we consider the possibility that it will rain tomorrow?

I should start charging for straightening you out. Of course we should listed to the weather forecast as long as they maintain a reasonable accuracy rate. You guys just listen to the same forecasts that say tomorrow will be clear, warm and sunny but it keeps raining day after day. They don't recalibrate their confidence in tomorrow's forecast based on poor past performance. They just keep believing the new forecasts with no recollection of the past. That is in my mind the sign of very poor judgement on your(collectively) part. There are a couple here who have noticed that the forecasts keep turning out wrong (CJ comes to mind but there are others) but most others have not changed your expectations one tiny bit despite the many delays and disappointments. That's dumb in my view and the sign of a faith based belief system.

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03/11/03 3:56 AM

#626 RE: spokeshave #585

spokeshave - elmer

Thanks for sticking in here. As for Elmer, his devils-advocate-role is indeed worthwile for balancing the discussion. This role can be misunderstood very easily as to be emotionally biased or at least skewed; which I find not the slightest indication he would be. For this misunderstanding he has taken hits bigtime on other boards. I would wish this board appreciates any reality check as long as it is done in appropriate form - which you cannot claim Elmer does not provide unless you take his statements as peronal attacks which they are not intended for (admittedly very easy to misunderstand, as I said).
As for AMDs approach to be considered independent from feasibility, in fact from an investment-standpoint it is higly interdependent as long as you intend to capitalize on it.
And as for the weather forecast, yes we should consider to pick an umbrella for tomorrow - even if we thing we would not need it - people selling sunscreen-lotion we have a lot already.
And yes - sometimes it is good to have somebody trying to save us from ourselves - they will most probably fail with it anyway. K.