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12/22/12 10:52 PM

#142975 RE: Renaissance #142974

Helmut Wyzisk had this created when he was still involved with the company. The voice isn't computer generated. I remember him telling me he knew the guy who did the voiceover, and his voice was very distinctive. I think the voice fits well with the audio. I believe had this project been taken to completion, the audio combined with visuals related to the what is mentioned in the audio clip (storm aftermath, soldiers fighting terrorism threat, etc.) would have made for a compelling commercial.

I'd hoped the company would retain the Sanswire name. I understand their need to break from the baggage and history associated with the company's past, but World Surveillance Group sounds a little too close to "Big Brother Watching Everything You Do" Inc.

Probably no going back at this point. I like Indy's points about the 3-syllable limit for company names.

Ap-ple, Mi-cro-soft, Cis-co, Star-bucks, Am-a-zon, Home-Dep-ot, Wal-mart, Sans-wire...

Not the same flow as World-Sur-veil-lance-Group. I guess they could never go back to Sanswire now that some of their products actually do have wires. LOL