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09/05/13 7:42 PM

#208986 RE: BOREALIS #195761

Beyond 2012: Why the World Didn't End .. doomsdayers please note

If you're reading this story, it means the world didn't end on Dec. 21, 2012. Despite reports of an ancient Maya prophecy, a mysterious planet on a collision course with Earth, or a reverse in Earth's rotation, we're still here.

The Mayan connection "was a misconception from the very beginning," says Dr. John Carlson, director of the Center for Archaeoastronomy. "The Maya calendar did not end on Dec. 21, 2012, and there were no Maya prophecies foretelling the end of the world on that date."

Read More About the Mayans

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For years leading up to the supposed apocalypse, NASA scientists worked to dispel the myths and answer questions on a host of 2012 topics:

End of the World
'Prediction' Origins
Mayan Calendar
Total Blackout
Planetary Alignment
Nibiru/Planet X/Eris
Polar Shift
Meteor Strike
NASA Science
Solar Storms

links for each in list and more:

See also:

My Take: Doomsdayers show what’s wrong with all religion

Doomsday Believers Mostly Teaparty Members

False Prophet Harold Camping Banked Millions on Doomsday Scam

Rapture predictor Harold Camping suffers stroke

Practical doomsday advice from creepy Christian guy

Among Gingrich’s Passions, a Doomsday Vision

An Engineered Doomsday

Debunker of Doomsday: As supposed Mayan calendar apocalypse day
nears, NASA Ames scientist tries to talk some sense into the world

SPACE MOVE - 800s Mayan rock space to 15C bark-paper space to 21C 'between-ears' space ..

When Prophecy Fails

Hey, arizona, desire for Doomsday home is normal .. LOL ..

Man who died in blast lived in foil-wrapped home, filmed neighbors

Isaiah 17:1: Is Syria War Part Of Jesus' Second Coming? Christians And Muslims Quote Scripture

.. apologies to the board for occasionally coming back to the dooomsday theme .. this post was prompted by a
pm fly who keeps buzzing me .. i suggest to him that his prophecies have failed so many times he oughta stop
trying to establish himself as some kind of Nostradamus figure, but nothing works .. lol .. yes, i am being very
patient with him .. aside: wow .. just heard the Grayson tweet re the projected House vote on Syria ..