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12/21/12 11:04 PM

#12240 RE: WishfulThinking1 #12236

Great post. Speaks for itself and I won't add a word.

Apdn believer

12/22/12 6:02 AM

#12245 RE: WishfulThinking1 #12236

Very good post wishful your comments are appreciated. I think you said it all....... well done.


12/22/12 7:41 AM

#12248 RE: WishfulThinking1 #12236

Nice commentary WT.

Agree 100%.

I hold 75% min. And flip 25% so I am always well positioned.

I got lucky during the Aug. Run-up holding all 100%.

Happy New World everyone.


12/22/12 8:06 AM

#12249 RE: WishfulThinking1 #12236

I just wanted to elaborate a little more on this earlier post. I mentioned that Dr. Hayward's efforts have resulted in the company nearly doubling its revenue every year. If the trend continues, where will the company be in the out years?
FY 13 = 3.6 mil
FY 14 = 7.2 mil
FY 15 = 14.4 mil
FY 16 = 28.8 mil
5 years out = 57.6 mil (But I think this will be too conservative)
10 years out at this pace is 1.843 Billion (OK THIS MAY BE A LITTLE OPTOMISTIC, BUT MAY BE IT'S NOT) I don't have a crystal ball and neither does anyone else.

I talked about a Nike, Ford or GM contract, Pharma, etc., What if they get 2 or 3 or all of them? Makes things a weeee bit brighter for the company.

The awards and recognition they are receiving are not local or state awards, but "International Awards". The conferences they are attending have leaders from Industry and the international community. Some of these conferences are by invitational only, tells me there is at least an interest in their product.

I look at Dr. Hayward as a Technological Product Insurance Salesman. Point in case, look at Sweden where Botanical DNA results have decreased theft by large percentages in just 1 year. Its an insurance policy against theft. Same thing in UK where they will deploy the DNA Kits. As stated on here last night. I think over time that those who use the kits may have their insurance rates decreased, since it will be easier to return stolen items and lessen costs to inusurance companies. What country would not want to enjoy the same success that Sweden is experiencing, reducing crime and loss of money they would have to spend replacing stolen items.

I would think it would be difficult or impossible for industry and naysayers to ignore this product if it keeps achieving the successes it's already had.

At some point, Dr. Hayward stops being the Insurance Salesman and the product sells itself.

As companies begin to use APDN and leaders attend conferences and talk to other leaders of industry and explain what success they have had with APDN, what do you think will happen? And as they tell two friends and they tell two friends, those 5 and possibly 10 year projections above, just might not be that CRAZY after all. Hence my ID :)

Ok guys have at it, army gave me tough skin and I won't loose any sleep if anyone disagrees or wants to take a shot at my comments.

I welcome any and all criticism and wish all here the very best!


12/22/12 10:17 AM

#12263 RE: WishfulThinking1 #12236

All very well said, WT1. Hope you get far more than coal in your stocking and get some extra green stuff from APDN very quickly.