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10/27/05 12:25 PM

#190024 RE: smpathy4dadevil #190007

One thing that doesn't seem to make sense with the "shorty" theory is exactly what you state in your post. If "shorty's" objective is to pound a company into oblivion, then how do you explain the upcoming devistation to "shorty" when the company disintegrates and disperses what's left to the shareholders. In other words, if what you are saying is true, and that when a dissolving company disperses its assets to its shareholders "shorty" is hammered, then why would "shorty" pound a stock like you believe "shorty" does? Wouldn't it be in "shorty's" interest, then to lay off a stock, not pound so hard, and avoid tanking the whole company?

You can't have it both ways. If "shorty" is out to destory a company, then that destruction can't hurt shorty. But, if the destruction of a company hurts "shorty", then "shorty" can't be out to destroy companies.

In fact the whole "shorty" scenario doesn't make sense in this case. CMKX admits that it was delinquent on its filings, and admits to recklessly issuing 700+ billion shares, and admits to not having any money....CMKX would have tanked without "shorty's" help, correct??

Another way of looking at it is imagine that "shorty" doesn't exist. "Shorty" in no way has manipulated CMKX. Wouldn't CMKX be in the EXACT same place it is right now? Completely tanked, gutted and skipping town? If not, please explain how CMKX would be any different if "shorty" did not exist.

Since, "shorty's" existence really doesn't have an affect on what happened to CMKX, and that CMKX has clearly disclosed the fact that it is responsible for its own fate, then why are we still talking about "shorty"????? Why would anyone care???? What does "shorty" have to do with anything?

I'm just going on very simple logic here. It doesn't take any "secret master plan" or conviluted theories to realize that CMKX is garbage and tanked itself, and that "shorty" if there ever was a "shorty" is a non-issue, long gone, and definitely not going to get hurt from this.

I've heard enough of "shorty". I heard it all through the dividends that CMKX dished out.... I heard it all through DTCC numbers that posters were saying "proved there was a shorty". I've heard it all through this whole ride, and not once did "shorty" EVER SHOW HIMSELF. Not a peep from "shorty", not a whisper. When the company came out and finally discolsed its massive pump and dump and its worthless value, we should have all realized that there was no shorty. That every "oddity" and "strange" behavior of CMKX can easily be explained by UC's massive dilution, stated clearly by UC himself. CMKX screams out loud that it was one big worthless company and one big pump and dump, and still you're talking about "shorty" whispering in the background. Who cares? "Shorty" has nothing to do with UC's criminal acts. WE DON'T NEED "SHORTY" AS AN EXPLANATION ANYMORE...WE KNOW THE FACTS, STATED BY CMKX ITSELF, AND IT ALL MAKES SENSE!!!!!! AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just had to get that out of my system.