Your saying you own close to 80 million shares? If this is true and I own 20 million shares that only leaves about 60 million shares unaccounted for of which I know owners of about 10-20 million of........
If this is accurate then I'm going to say this company has to be pretty dumb to not be able to get the PPS running north :-/
Very frustrating to believe in this company the way I do and feel that we have a very poor CEO at the helm who has ZERO personal skills.......
Could it run? YES!
Does it matter what mikes interpersonal skills are? NOT for the PPS to run, but it helps to keep shareholders happy IMO!
Do I believe the PR's? YES I do! But at the same time I can't understand their lack of urgency in getting simple things out like financials......
What needs to be done has not been done and its becoming apparent that Mike doesn't give a shit about "timing" and has ZERO urgency when it comes to the basics :-/
As a friendly reminder, anyone who owns more than 10% of an SEC non reporting company must file proper paperwork to state that they own a controlling interest.