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12/13/12 2:52 PM

#95238 RE: bdelect #95232

And yet a response with no refuting evidence to ANY of the presented Due Diligence. Why is that? Looks like PYCT isn't the only one that may be hiding things if what you say is true. The way things are falling apart before our very eyes I'm starting to seriously doubt that Paychest will even be around in 2015. And, if it's true about the rumor of the CEO bailing then that is just another red flag being raised.

Once again, I'm not necessarily just posting for me, I'm also posting to help investors understand more about their investment and also to maybe help drive them to push PYCT management in doing what is right by the shareholders. As I noted before, if Paychest management actually wants to make a go of this and become a viable business entity (beyond just a share issuing enterprise), they need to radically change how they are operating and become more open and transparent with the shareholders and investment community; stop all the dissolution, default and abandonment; qualify, clarify and/or retract some of their previous questionable and unverifiable PR statements; etc. This is quite the challenge no doubt, one that I'm starting to question whether PYCT is up to or even wants to do. I do find the thing with Banks to be a little disturbing.

FYI - Like I clearly stated in the very first week I started posting on I-HUB (see post #89818 from back in early June, and copied below), I intended to be around until the next issued PR. If it turned out to be another unverifiable piece of trash then I will move on, and if it shows real verifiable promise then I may consider to stay and see where it may lead. At the time that I stated it however, I had NO idea that a PR wouldn't have been issued by now, almost 6 months later (time sure flies when your having fun I guess). Fortunately, or unfortunately, this delay in PR issuance has given much time to look and investigate all kinds of nooks and crannies to see what is going on or not going on in the land of Paychest. So, while we wait some more, more things will undoubtedly be discovered and shared. Anything you are particularly interested in or want for Christmas?

What I find amusing is all your dd and yet your still here posting like you can't convince yourself to leave.

Anyway, good day to you.

Saturday, June 09, 2012 6:11:25 PM
Re: Banana post# 89822
Post # of 95236
Hi banana, as I posted in #89818 ...

"I knew there would be many questions for Peter once this ball started rolling. Will be interesting to see if all or even any are answered. If there isn't a webcast, a few prominent shareholders may want to request from Tom that a FAQ section be established on the company website where answers to various questions could be posted for all to see. Just a thought"

If no one volunteers to consolidate the questions, that would tell me much, including that no one here really cares about understanding what the company is doing or not doing, and that no one has a cordial relationship with Tom, which is Ok if that is the case. Then, as a fall back, I'd consolidate my questions and send them in only after the company confirmed when the webcast was to be held. If I don't see an announcement for a webcast by the end of next week, I'll then go ahead and send them all in and respectfully request that Tom implement my above suggestion. If after one week I don't receive a response to the questions, or confirmation that Tom is pursuing my recommendation, then I'll know the company has no respect or interest in the investing public. With this piece of information in hand, and if the company ends up issuing another PR containing a non-verifiable distributor(s) or list of retailers, I'll immediately proceed to move on and not look back. Of course. I'll say my goodbyes in this forum before I go. Pretty straight forward process, eh?

Have a good one.


12/13/12 11:47 PM

#95247 RE: bdelect #95232

I have been wondering who the co has got for their P/O financing that they said they where negotiating with.
The chill is a temporary one and will not last forever.
I say the chill is almost over.