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12/12/12 1:01 AM

#142611 RE: Renaissance #142610

CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (AP/Florida Today) - A top-secret mini-space shuttle has blasted off from Cape Canaveral.

The Air Force launched the unmanned spacecraft Tuesday aboard an Atlas V rocket. Cloud coverage in the area threatened to scrub the launch all day, but the weather cleared just enough for an on-time liftoff at 1:03 p.m. at Launch Complex 41.

North Korea is 14 hours ahead of the eastern time zone. This puts the 9:51am Wed local time launch of its missle at 8pm Tuesday on the east coast.

I first heard about the X37B launch early Tuesday morning (east coast). The goal was to launch asap. I can confirm the weather was poor to delay the launch.

It had seven hours to get into place. If any of this is related.

and so these posts are on topic...

the Army JLENS project was decreased from 16 to 2 airships per document in Sami's post. Maybe the military should rethink the program with Bib or Argus in mind.

and as far as I can tell Indy, Lemnios joined IBM after leaving his post and the position is still empty.

"In good times and bad, he observed, I.B.M. has had the managerial patience to continue financing long-range, exploratory research. That is a model, Mr. Lemnios suggests, that the federal government would do well to follow.

Given the need for budgetary belt-tightening in government, Mr. Lemnios said, “There is great pressure to take funding for exploratory research to pay today’s bills. That can prove to be a shortsighted mistake.”"