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10/25/05 12:01 PM

#67121 RE: lugan #67118

Mornin Lugan..Where am I?

Too bad I couldn't stay for the lunch but I would have missed my flight back...I thought the meeting answered most questions shareholders might have had..At least there was updates given on many different subjects including the OTC and the "E" as well as the Bullseye the SEC has on Hrct's back..

I guess I can start a bit with Control Tech..They are right now, in the process of negotiating with Radvision concerning the inventory..She said the issue was made public in China and many companies were interested to see how Radvision (one of the big two in videoconferencing) conducted itself with Hrct..It appears that local companies in China operate as a close knit society and if you treat one badly, it can have a great impact on your dealing in the future..The door is still open with Radvision and it's up to Control Tech to do the right thing..Hrct has not paid out any shares to Radvision this year because they did not meet the sales figures...David (Attorney) is involved with the negotiations.

Carrie talked about unwinding the deals with the old companies..She said Hrct came out of it in good fashion considering what these companies had to do to get involved with Hrct in the first place..But lots of time and hours were spent in negotiations to try and get Hrct out from under these deals and back to square on..

Of the companies left, besides Control Tech there is the HuaQing Samsung distributor..Their general manager has been onboard with the program (attended the last two meetings) and is doing a great job in expanding the notebook sales area..Especially in the Shangahi area..

The Reaudit of 2003 is taking place right now and should be complete in about ten weeks by Kabani...This was a tough sell to get the old companies to go along with Hrct opening there books and doing this all over again..When it's complete, it "should" be the final dagger in the heart of all the old business that keeps croppin up..My fingers are crossed..It has been one heck of an effort to put this all right and Hrct could have easily folded up the tents and took the easy way out..It's not in Carrie's nature to give up and I'm glad she didn't..More in a bit..



10/25/05 12:14 PM

#67122 RE: lugan #67118

what are the rev and rising sales #s over the past 4 years?