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Phil(Hot Rod Chevy)

03/08/03 5:25 PM

#336 RE: j3pflynn #335


The link was taken out because too many people were using it when replying to a previous post and it made it hard to follow a conversation.

Especially for Matt when it came time to police a board.

Is it really all that inconvenient to have to post it from the board header screen?

If you want, you can hide the Ibox so you don't have to scroll down to get to the "Post New Message" link.

Have fun,


03/09/03 12:47 AM

#337 RE: j3pflynn #335

Msg Replied To: "post new msg" link to the msg window


Let me add to what was already replied to you.

Posted by: Phil (Bullrider)
In reply to: j3pflynn
The link was taken out... post it from the board header screen...
... you can hide the Ibox... Have fun, Phil [end.]

This was discussed last month on the Q & A board as Phil mentioned,
and if you do not follow that board you might not be aware of
a new feature called "Mark as Last Read" which will allow you
to reset your Favorites count for that board to the next message,
thus allowing you to go to the board in question by clicking on
the board name in your Favorites page. Hopefully BobZ's code
will allow one to click on the board name in Favorites WITHOUT
having it reset the unread count. But then it use to, and i'am not
sure what it does now, and if it does, then a setting in Interface
should be allowed to turn it Off. Anyway, this method allows you
to post that new to None and then once back to the Favorites
you can click the unread count for that board and be placed onto
the message that followed the one you decided to post a new msg.

Yes, lots of clickings, but just so BobZ keeps the site fast, its do'able.

Since Darth reads these messages, i'll add another iWish here
since i already placed an iWish above in the form of a question :o)

Sometimes when i go to MailBox(_) and click on a message
that was a reply to my message, i find that after reading what
another commented on, that i need to go and collect data or
information before i can reply. Yes, but at that point my count
for replies i need to do was decreased by one when i answered
but decided not to follow through, and once i left to do other activity
to obtain enough to reply, i lost the place of that message i now
want to return to. So, an iWish is that an "undo" type option
could be displayed when one goes to a message that is a reply
to your message, that you visited using the MailBox, and simply
its done like a KEEP that sets, here re-sets, the counter and places
you back into the MailBox, rather than the Favorites with the KEEP.

Now if BobZ would do the "gotmilk" thing/way :o)
and rename "Keep as Last Read" to "Read Mark"
set the counter to the next message,
BUT on THIS message the KEEP was done,
then the unread count on the Favorites page would place one
on the message location where the KEEP was done,
thus allowing one to re-visit that message to reply to.

Yes, this "song & dance" now allows a PREVIOUS to get there,
but that "undo" allows one to finish reading that board and return
later using the MailBox.

The space freed up from "Keep as Last Read" to "Read Mark"
is " as Last" is 8 characters for a possible "unrepcnt" undo flag.
