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04/20/01 5:24 PM

#157 RE: Mattu #156


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greg offen

04/21/01 11:03 AM

#162 RE: Mattu #156

I understand your the Sherrif around here<g>. All I can say is WOW! and let me copy and paste a post I made on Vendits thread.

Posted by: greg offen
In reply to: Vendit who wrote msg# 3091 Date: 4/21/2001 10:33:52 AM (ET)
Post # of 3093


Call me an idiot, I don't mind <g>. Actually, the only reason I signed up here is not for investement advice. Like I said, I friend of mine told me about this place, told me some crazy stuff was going on with him, with you, with alot of people on some parking lot thread and etc. I've been lurking, but missed anything on the parking lot. I will try and locate that thread later and check it out.

I am almost afraid to tell you who my friend is, because you and he are obviously not the best of buddies anymore<g>, and I sure don't want to get on your bad side. My friend, Keith, KG4, is a really great guy. I know him personally, not just on the internet. I am going to tell you the same thing I told him. I will not pick sides in your dispute, but I do wish yall could kiss and make up <g>. Your two very fine people, who unfortunatly aren't seeing eye to eye on some things. I will say this about Keith, he does speak his mind, and he doesnt back down if he feels he is correct or is trying to get a point across. Sometimes people take this the wrong way. He is just a very determined individual and he doesn't back down when cornered. I really have no idea what yalls dispute is about. I lurked, but so many posts were deleted, it is hard to tell who was saying what to whom, or why<g>. From what Keith tells me, he was upset because he felt that somehow you were being given special treatment over others. Something about you were allowed to post whatever you wanted, but others could not. I have no idea what that's all about, and frankly don't care. I don't post on message boards, or very little anyway, and only signed up here at ihub to pop in and say hello to you and your family and to let you know that Keith is really a great guy, just as you are. I always lurked and followed you and always respected you. For that matter, so did Keith. he used to talk about you during the AOL days saying how much respect he had for you. Thats what led me to lurking and learning over on SI's Dell and AOL threads, plus your own threads. This is also why I found it so surprising last night when he told me, vaguely, what was going on with you two.

To close, I guess all I want to say is I wish both of you would just let bygones be bygones and become friends again, because as far as I can tell, you are both two class acts, and there is no reason you should be on opposing sides of any kind of fight or dispute.

Wishing you the best, and off to find this parking lot place. Keith said I won't believe my eyes when I get there. I doubt it can be that bad.


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greg offen

04/21/01 11:27 AM

#163 RE: Mattu #156

Again, let me say WOW!! When I was told I wasn't going to believe my eyes, I didn't believe it, but Double WOW!! Talk about the Jerry Springer show- This is a whole lot more entertaining.

Matt let me say this and then I'll be on my way. I think this thread is a novel idea, but after reading it quickly, you have some very sick individuals posting, many with multiple aliases I would suspect. You mention this thread is for entertainment, but there is a differance between entertainment and what is going on here. Like I said, all I can say is WOW!

I find it sickening that so much childish attacking is going on-like I said, WOW. I am sitting here reading all this in complete disbelief. I will say this, the only two people I know around here is Vendit and Keith (KG4), and they are both great guys. Vendit, I just know from the internet sites, as I have been a long time lurker, and Keith, I actually know personally as his wife taught me how to Rock Climb. Regardless what all these ridiculous posters say, Vendit and keith are class acts.

Lastly, you mention --". He was just stirring up a little trouble to whip somebody up in The Parking Lot..

Looks like he got ahold of the tiger by the tail!""--

Not only is keith one of the nicest guys you will ever meet, if you knew him, he is on of those guys you immediatly say "I want him on my team". I am amazed at all the childish people attacking this guy, in the childish manner in which they are and as far as your quote about trying to whip somebody up in the parking lot, trust me dear lads, they could put all 5 of you guys in a parking lot against keith, and my money would be on him. You are right about the getting hold of a Tiger by the tail-what normally happens if you grab a Tiger by the tail? More then likely that Tiger will turn around and bite your hand off. Trust me on this, you may want to, and wish to fight keith here on some stupid thread where all you can do is throw words, and very childish one's at that, but you do not wan't to be on this guys bad side in a real life fight, be it in a back alleyway, or inside a ring.

Absolutely amazing is all I can say. I will keep this site bookmarked, just for the ridiculous sheer nature of this place. Now I know why Jerry Springer has such a highly rated show<g>

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04/21/01 4:57 PM

#170 RE: Mattu #156

That's a very mature attitude, Matt. This site will go far with your brand of diplomacy.

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greg offen

04/22/01 11:14 AM

#179 RE: Mattu #156


Just an opinion for your consideration.

Lastly, in thinking last night, I actually think that maybe Matt and Bob may have something with this parking lot thread, however, it does need some kinks worked out. First, the reason I don't visit most chat boards is because of all this particular crap we are seeing happening right here. The idea of making Stock Threads for stock discussion only, is a great idea. Keep the fights and off topic discussion off of the real threads, and give the attacking and fighting folk a place to do just that.

However, I still feel a line needs to be drawn, even here in the parking lot. As a trained professional in Mental Health, I can honestly say that the extent of what is allowed here is not good for an unbalanced individual. A place like this, where "anything goes", allows people with serious mental disabilities, to fester those disabilities and get worse, not better.

I do think the thread is a good idea for people with disagreements to come and air out their differances, but they need to make more rules then just no vulgar language or sexual referances. It still needs to be a mature sight. Sure, let people fight, but lets draw a line in the sand and not allow ridiculous and childish fights to occur.

If folks have a real disagreement, then come here and fight it out- in a mature manner. If your sole purpose is just to stir up trouble and treat people with disrespect hoping to egg them into a fight, they should be banned. What Matt fails to realize is there are plenty of people like that. I think my character assesement on Paul was pretty good considering all I had to go by was his posts. But it is apparent he is just trying to egg somebody on, into an unnecessary fight, looking for attention, and GETTING IT when he finds a taker. And there are alot of Pauls out there. People that will show up here for that reason and that reason alone.

Trust me, this is not good therapy for one who has certain Mental problems that cause them to do what I am talking about. People like that need help. Allowing them to come here, for no reason other to pick a fight, and/or garner attention, is only making that person more mentally ill. A true disagreement, come here and work it out in a mature manner. Looking to pick a fight or get attention, ban them and send them over to Raging Bull, or to my office for therapy <g>.

I think I will copy my opinion and send it to Matt and be on my way.

Wish you the best


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im a survivor

04/23/01 4:38 PM

#201 RE: Mattu #156

Matt, I would like to know why I have posts deleted that do not violate any ihubs terms or Vendits terms on his thread. he simply deletes because it has my name on it. Look at the post he deleted earlier, that supposedly you or bob had to approve.....why was it approved for deletion when it violtaed no ihub tos or his own threads tos????

I just posted this on his thread as well. Will it be deleted also? if so, why? and why was my other post can read what I said right here....there was nothing wrong with that post other then the name KG4 at the top!----------------

Vendit, I don't know whether to laugh or cry

I'll try laughing


( now vendit, I am upfront right now. Will you delete my response above? It does not violate IHUBS TOS and meets EVERY CRITERIA YOU have set forth for this thread. But My last post didn't either and it was deleted. I am just curious, there are no attacks going on....we are supposed to be here to discuss whats on our mind and "chit chat"......nothing is being violated, just as nothing was in my last post you had deleted. Am I to assume that this is peronal, then? I must, if I havent violated any terms of ihub or your thread, yet you have my posts deleted anyway??? If it says KG4, do you just Delete? I am curious. If not, please explain why you delete my posts that dont violate any ihub terms or terms of this thread. And please dont read this post as an attack....if you do, then you really need to be able to ascertain the differance between an attacke and a question.)

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im a survivor

04/24/01 4:32 PM

#291 RE: Mattu #156

Matt....this parking lot of yours is just too much for me....I just don't think I can stand the laughs much longer...or be apart of the laughs <ggg>

Seriously though, I am curious as to why you are being so quiet about all this...are you just kicked back having a good laugh? Honestly, the parking lot is a good idea, but you shouldn't allow people to do what they are included.....useless fighting is just ridiculous.

Also, I had a buddy of mone sign up oto IHUB over the last week to try and mend some broken seem's as though quite a few people are accusing me and him of being the same person ( actually, I wish I was him...he makes an awful good living <ggg>)......You know we are not one in the same as well as i know.....I would appreciate it if you would either prove we are one in the same, and if so, ban us both <ggg>...well, if we are one in the same, then just ban one of us <ggg>......or make it known we are not.....not that i really care, and I doubt greg does either, but you have a lot of weirdo's out there with quite active guess, which Greg actually told me, is that some of these people are actually one in the same...after all.....accuse others of what you are guilty of yourself...makes sense to me.....

anyway.....I will ease up on the parking lot.....I figure since so many people had so many laughs at my expense last week, with your obvious approval, I would return the favor and laugh back at those idiots.....but I think I will chill for awhile unless some rules are changed....this ridiculous banter...yes, the exact stuff i am engaging in right now with some idiots on the lot....should not be should be banning me, and everybody else involved, if you seriously expect to have a legit site....JMO, but I dont see how this site will be a legitimate site, when you allow what is happening in the parking lot to happen...we all should be banned!!....I think I will post this publicly as well...
