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12/05/12 1:13 PM

#209456 RE: gump90 #209453

Having made repeated false distro promises, one wonders how KATX management can unwind their obligations without big legal judgments against them. Therefore, they're stuck in this stall pattern, and nothing can happen. This could go on indefinitely; it has already been going on for years. The only solution is to sell out and reverse split ("roll back") the stock and start over with new management, but this shell is too dirty to be worth anything, with these distro obligations hanging over it. The promises they've made are impossible to keep, and they're doomed no matter what they do, as they've admitted in the filings, with the likelihood of their being sued if they do anything with regard to the second promise without keeping the first one first.

KATX is a dog's lunch, and there's no way to clean it up other than by some government action. I agree with you that any news is highly likely to be bad for investors, as if things couldn't get any worse.

We were right, and the guys who bought and held this mess, well, anybody can see what a bad shape they're in. I expect KATX management to continue to do what they've been doing: nothing. It's their only option. Of course, KS can and most likely will keep issuing and dumping ever more stock as long as he can get anybody to pay him anything for it, all the way down to and including a single tick. Might as well--it's the only thing he really knows how to do.
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12/05/12 3:10 PM

#209468 RE: gump90 #209453

Thanks for the Tip on KATX !!!!!

Or in the extreme rare case the stock actually wakes up and does something.