The poor federal oversight caused this mess, and it should be considered their duty to repair the damage.
As it was the OFHEO/FHFA who allowed, if not encouraged F&F to do subprime business until September 2008, it was nothing more than -I lack a better expression- reparation to raise the forefinger finally then and ask for more prudence. The rest the companies did all by themselves.
And let's not forget the unfair accounting practices that have been imposed on F&F. What a welcome miracle if David Kellermann could tell us his opinion.
" In doing so, he's certainly gotten no help from Congress or Treasury. "
I follow a Politico Pro journalist on Twitter named Jon Prior. For what its worth, he posts a few hints of interesting FnF data here and there. I do not have a membership to PoliticoPro because of the fee, and hoping someone here does so they can get to the article.
30 Nov Jon Prior @JonAPrior FHFA's DeMarco suggests way out of housing overhaul gridlock as his "stealth reform" nears de-risking Fannie, Freddie