Interesting that suddenly that blog is not to be believed when it has been pointed out repeatedly that since SRGE is not on that blog it must not be a pump and dump.
My thoughts on the paid promo pump and dump of SRGE - all you need is a place like IHUB and some tweets and a few pumped up press releases and fake newsletters and rumors put out by WSIN - the paid promo team - to have an effective pump.
And I think this is PURPOSEFULLY flying under the radar with the promos because Alex Smid was involved with SAE* which was suspended rather quickly with that promo and he had used that Wall Street News Alerts (“WSNA”) group when he "ran" SORD - who were recently litigated by the SEC. I suspect THAT is the reason they are flying under the radar here. They will last longer thant way.
And it hasn't slipped past MY radar the similarities between Wall Street News Alerts (“WSNA”) group and the Wall Street Investor News ("WSIN") group either.