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11/27/12 4:53 PM

#153064 RE: DewDiligence #153061

IFN intolerant vs. poor response to IFN

IFN intolerant in my interpretation simply means having experienced IFN previously and not having tolerated it well - this has little to do with one's IL28b status.


11/28/12 4:45 AM

#153142 RE: DewDiligence #153061

You are right of course that it is known for some time now that IL28B status is an irrelevant factor when you treat HCV with a potent DAA combo and perhaps (not sure about that) GILD were still genotyping the IL28 locus, but even if so, it would be a response predictor for INF containing treatment (predicts viral clearance) not INF intolerance. So my feeling is that these patients are a bit more intolerant to treatments in general and naïve comply better.