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11/26/12 7:36 PM

#337276 RE: janice shell #337269

LOL @ the latest from eggie. Maybe eggie should listen to granny2shoes a bit more.

Congratulations Attorney Hodges for the unanimous decision by three judges ruling in your favor. Thank you for continuing the fight to ensure the Shareholders receive their funds. ..very much appreciated.

The ruling was in Attorney Hodges favor.

Re: Bob What Are Your Thoughts
« Reply #3 on Nov 24, 2012, 9:56pm »

Thank you Shareholders for your patience, your support, and your understanding that Attorney Hodges is doing everything possible through the legal system to influence those who are holding up the release of the funds. You have shown time and time again you deserve the best.

Congratulations Attorney Hodges for the unanimous decision by three judges ruling in your favor. Thank you for continuing the fight to ensure the Shareholders receive their funds. ..very much appreciated.

Please understand there will be differences of opinions, beliefs, and personalities. No matter how or what you feel about the Trusts and compensations, please do not let these differences interfere or stop those who are doing what they can to make a difference, a difference that will be positive and beneficial to the outcome and income of all of the Shareholders.

Thank you,

Re: Bob What Are Your Thoughts
« Reply #22 Yesterday at 3:44am »

Yesterday at 2:35am, granny2shoes wrote:
"Congratulations Attorney Hodges for the unanimous decision by three judges ruling in your favor."

This does not say it is from anyone else. Now where did this come from. That is a big leap that the 3 judges ruled in his favor.So that is saying we are getting paid.Where did Bob get this.If no one knows for sure that it is in his favor , then that is very misleading. I am sure I am not the only one who feels that way.

The December 4th court case was a scheduled oral hearing to allow each side to present their information so that a decision could be made whether to dismiss the case as requested by the SEC or rule that the case has met the requirements to allow the case to be heard.

(2) Standards. Oral argument must be allowed in every case unless a panel of three judges who have examined the briefs and record unanimously agrees that oral argument is unnecessary for any of the following reasons:
(A) the appeal is frivolous;
(B) the dispositive issue or issues have been authoritatively decided; or
(C) the facts and legal arguments are adequately presented in the briefs and record, and the decisional process

Attorney Hodges posted the following ..
"The court is of the unanimous opinion that the facts and legal arguments are
adequately presented in the briefs and record and the decisional process would not
be significantly aided by oral argument. Accordingly, the court orders this matter submitted without oral argument."

The ruling was in Attorney Hodges favor.

I did not say this ruling was about being paid. This is what I posted "Thank you for continuing the fight to ensure the Shareholders receive their funds. ..very much appreciated.

Please understand there will be differences of opinions, beliefs, and personalities. No matter how or what you feel about the Trusts and compensations, please do not let these differences interfere or stop those who are doing what they can to make a difference, a difference that will be positive and beneficial to the outcome and income of all of the Shareholders." Please read what I posted.

Thank you,