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11/22/12 1:52 AM

#152883 RE: mcbio #152880


On the efficacy front, iwfal questioned on here before management's comments that there is a 26% reduction in cardiovascular risk per 1 mg/dl increase in apo-a1 (#msg-81610383 ) as seeming very high given that apo-a1 comprises a large component of HDL-C and an increase in HDL-C as a whole only reduces risk by only 2-3% per mg/dl (#msg-81663552 ).

Further data on this front. The first paper I found that explicitly breaks out relative risk for HDL-C overall vs its subcomponents is linked below. It shows alpha-1 as only mildly stronger predictor than overall hdl. See table 2. Obviously this particular study is methodologically weak due to its observational nature - but even so it would clearly pick up a factor of 3 or 4 difference in risk, and a difference in risk of about 10 would be absolutely impossible to miss in a study like this. (your note that RVX claimed 26% reduction in risk per 1 mg/dl vs HDL's reduction of about 2.5% per mg/dl - about a 10x difference).

I'll watch their results but VERY much from a pure technical interest.