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11/21/12 4:39 PM

#94433 RE: bdelect #94430

bd, let me get this straight - John Banks set up a shell company called Rich Capital in the UK, then (as owner of pyct) turned around and signed a deal for $600K in common pyct shares.... and you don't think that is the least bit criminal? LOL...I guess it would serve you well to pay better attention to what is really going on with this 28BILLION bloated O/S...... that is a typical penny scam play -

Also, scams like this usually employ shills to hype for them and complain about shorting as the real reason that a .0001, no revenue, scam management, penny stock is down in the dumps.

If pyct had tried to make an actual product, or advertise, or produce an actual phone number to their world wide sales dept.... then just maybe folks could believe in them....makes it kind of hard when all they do is dump off shares.
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Dominion Melchizedek

11/21/12 9:10 PM

#94439 RE: bdelect #94430

All most people see (as evidenced by the anemic volume) is a scam with nearly 28 billion OS, $0 in cash, billions more in commons from convertible preferred that lined the pockets of the scammers, no product produces/sold and invisible plants producing invisible products like XINPRO MANUFACTURING OF CHINA - not even the longs can find a shred of evidence that entity exists let alone be capable of producing pads. 5 years after this current so called business model was begun, not a single pad has been produced, the OS count has exploded and its just a dead empty shell with no money to do anything. They havent put out a PR in nearly 6 months! Nothing but a couple of cut N paste financials detailing expenses for God knows what... They still wont ungag the TA either. PYCT continues to trade UNSOLICITED and is so toxic MMs will only act as middleman matching retail buyers and sellers. Yep, all signs point to PYCT being 100% scam. Heck if they produced any pads at all after over year ago claiming to have begun Commercial Production they would have at least sold some on Amazon or Ebay which is super cheap - no overhead as brick and mortar stores have. PYCT has an invisible CEO who is MIA and hasnt said a word since he was installed. Who is he really? PYCT has no offices where one can go to find out.

As to Trums point about Banks - Trum discovered that Banks was behind Rich Capital which loaned money to PYCT then converted the Preferreds he received into BILLIONS upon BILLIONS of common shares. Then LiAni appeared with no information at all about it - who controls it, where it is.. nothing.

Then theres those who claim to have secret inside information about proven shorts but never reveal any of it. SEC says over and over PYCT has ZERO FTDs and you cannot have a short without and FTD. Heck not even PYCT itself even hints there is an FTD or that they are investigating such a possibility. In fact they claim repeated share audits cleared up all outstanding issues regarding the OS count.... yep, even the scammers admit there is no short.

PYCT is the Turkey on the table of PYCT stuckholders for a 5th Thanksgiving... just be sure and add plenty of gravy its tough, dry and inedible. LOL!