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11/16/12 6:17 PM

#60231 RE: mortgage1 #60228

Cudos to you for calling it like it is. Not the only one either. Go srge. Holding 2.5 mil and ready for some excitement.
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11/16/12 6:49 PM

#60247 RE: mortgage1 #60228

I hope you are joking - NO PROOF???

NO Proof of ANY kind that SRGE is a scam

Let's see, where shall I start:

1. SRGE Gagged the Transfer Agent - this is only done for dilution. There is no defense or other reason.

2. They have a CEO that has no Bio or footprint on the Internet - I have asked for two months for some verifiable information about the Phantoms work and education history and NOTHING!!!

3. SRGE has "gotten" financing from two companies that exist only in SRGE press releases: Quixstone Investments, Inc. and Duvernoi Capital Investments Inc. BTW, this is the same thing that Alex Smid did with Southridge Ethanol and his Vodka company - INTERESTING!!!

4. The Anatomy of a sub-penny pump and dump is the following - how many apply to SRGE - oh just every one of them:

"Easy 10 bagger!" or "Is this stock going to double tomorrow?", or "This could Soar 300% tomorrow!", "People even at $1.00/share SRGE is Dirt Cheap", "Company says 0,20,- easy, get in. 20 bagger". Not only are these kinds of price predictions an absolute indicator of a pump and dump, they are 100% illegal. It is fine to set a price target based on solid research. But making outrageous prognostications of ridiculous increases in a short period of time is fraud. And many have gone to prison for it.

"Is GOOGLE about to buy out this company?" or even better, "Is MICROSOFT about to buy out TAGG?" and yes, "Goldcorp is buying SRGE and SCCO is buying SRGE". You get this kind of rhetorical question a lot from touts trying to put a bug in your ear. Just as illegal as making ridiculous predictions of share price increase, you can be guaranteed that whatever con job the tout is trying to make you believe, it is never going to happen.

If a stock promotion hasn't been successful then it must be the fault of the naysayers and the shorts. It couldn't possibly be that nobody was buying the story or that insiders were selling into the promotion. Comments in follow-up posts like, "We were battling with the shorts", are a sure sign that a pump and dump program was on. The battle was not with the shorts but with the insiders who were filling all the bids they could. After all, if the so-called shorts were willing to sell stock at lower prices, then why wouldn't they have hit bids prior to the promotion?

4. OK, here is a few more - How about going dark over 18 months ago to try and avoid the scrutiny of the SEC for the pump and dump that is going on now.

5. Let's see, SRGE hasn't filed with the SEC SINCE 2008!!! How many red flags do you need???

6. SRGE has a press release a couple of times a week but for the HUGE groundbreaking ceremony not a single photo or any video of the event. No photos of the phantom CEO Michael Davies

7. SRGE started construction on the new mill with the fake financing and as you might expect not a single photo or any video of the construction.

8. REAL companies DON'T do paid promotions - BUT SRGE does - see WSIN.

9. SRGE uses one of the most notorious Pump and Dump Attorneys - he is involved in many and is presently being investigated by the SEC (BAD NEWS FOR SRGE).

I think that is enough proof for anyone to take pause and ask themselves - am I really investing in a stock that is recommended by Sierra - LMAO!!!