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11/15/12 1:51 PM

#61405 RE: Brooklyn Ninja #61402

My DD is complete + very happy with my position and yes I'm betting on the come.

I like the co. The stock bottomed here most likely thus ....wizzy wig! GLTA
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11/15/12 2:42 PM

#61407 RE: Brooklyn Ninja #61402

Well we had our 2 worst quarters. Now we have the added 10k from the blog site.. So I see $10K more revenue, and yes "LONGS" are coming. Because MBS is coming, and someday Android will get ads, and someday Apple will release the GPS app.

So I see us at the bottom and expect to go up as more and more happens, Dustin put the wheels in motion, now we just wait for the gears to turn..

Unless the internet closes, Apple fails, the stop making phones.. I think ANDI will only go up..

I'm buying... I want more shares..

What is the risk / reward? I would rather risk $1,700 - 2,000 for 1 million now than @ $3,700. And if you bought @ .0037, now is a great time to average down. - IMO

THE FUTURE.... BUY THE FUTURE, NOT THE PAST... the past sucked..
ANDI is forward looking... let the people who don't want to take risk buy when its safe @ .01+

Be a dreamer... Wish upon a star...

Bought to you by the little voice in my head..
oh wait my investment was worth $80K last week and $35K this week.. hmmmm... rinse-repeat..
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11/15/12 4:48 PM

#61409 RE: Brooklyn Ninja #61402

My take on 10/31 Quarter ending results and how I got there.

As of the end of this last quarter 10/31/12 Game Salad reports that they still have no way for an Android APP created with Game Salad that will allow monetization of that APP. The APP's we purchased at the beginning of the year that were created using the Game Salad software can not be placed for sale on Google play or Amazon at a price point Nor can they generate revenues on these Android Apps by having pop up banner Ads appearing during the App use.

The full quarter ending 10/31 we are waiting to see results on will be affected by this. About 200+ of our APP's. Most of the current 500+ App's we have were Added just before the previous quarter ended (end of June and some in July).

For that quarter, many were added to the APPLE Platform. The Game Salad APP's do allow for some monetization on that platform. Although we can not expect to see any $$$ for the Game Salad App's during this previous quarter from the Android side, we may see any increase in $$ from a full quarter of them being added to the APPLE side, depending on performance and acceptance by the APP community.

The Blog purchase PR was dated 9/18 and stated " The annual revenue from this blog will add about $40,000 a year to our income from the existing advertising network"

That would be about $3,300 a month in Revenue on average times the month and 1/2 we owed it is about $5,000 for quarter ending 10/31. Of which some or all will be used to pay off the purchase of the blog site. (small note amount owed is not stated)

Quarter ending 7/31 and quarter ending 10/31 had only 2 significant differences in possible revenue generation. 1. The Blog purchase mentioned above, and 2. a Full quarter of possible downloads on the APPLE platform from Game Salad APP's verses not a full quarter during 7/31 from these.

When you factor in the continued curve balls Dustin announce from APPLE with our App's, my guess would be we should show some increase over the 70K from the 7/31 quarter, but I am not expecting a block buster here. I would place the number for 10/31/12 quarter ending above 7/31's 70K and below quarter 4/30/12 137K.

Now, if we go an update on total download number, I could pin it down better.

Now as far as quarter ending 1/31/13, (we get result March 15th 2013) 3 known items that could bring a significant increase in Revenues would be 1. Game Salad developing a way to make $$ on our Game Salad Android App's as they are already downloaded on many phones and they would be updated to a version with Ad's that Pay $. 2. A successful launch of the Magic Bullet system as a monthly pay from an annual pay. 3. Self Help App's. Not enough info on price points or how we get paid. Not expecting alot here but need more information. We will have to watch these closely for quarter end 1/31/13.