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11/13/12 2:14 AM

#107519 RE: CohibaMan #107518

I AGREE BRO, amazon.. internet age.. i'm 27.. i'm starting to overlook the internet.. i'm trying to figure out why i'm slow to catch new trends at this point.. i was nervous upgrading to windows 8.. i wont lie.. embarrassing... i have a degree in computer programming lol.. i switched to business, but still.... embarrassing.

i'm in the process of overclocking to the 4ghz land.. weeeeee
3974mghz right now... 6 cores (intel i7 3930k).. man, my first pc was 60mhz... jesus have times changed, a modem that did 1.4kbs.. and now? i get mad when i can't surpass 4megs a second..